Think you want to do this? Anyone can run cattle to market, but - TopicsExpress


Think you want to do this? Anyone can run cattle to market, but short hairs..? The Monster Energy Supercross is on for 2015 in Anaheim, CA. WN Precision has close ties with Ty Kady AKA Redhead Cowboy of Next Level Performance Coaching. Already seeing results with #100 Josh Hansen taking 1st hole shot, taking lead and then holding on to 2nd in 250 heat #1. Picture this... Try to get your head around the job of driving a herd of alpha beast to market... Its no easy job... To the point, alphas got there by their dominant roles... So why is an alpha so enigmatic and yet, so elusive? In the animal kingdom, the alpha of the pack is the one with the most brute strength and courage. To put it simply, an alpha is the one who wants to survive more than anyone else. They want to lead life to the fullest and achieve all their hopes. There is an instinct to hold on to stability in our lives, to be safe and sound. And that’s the one primal instinct an alpha doesn’t know! Alphas don’t know how to survive, they only know how to live. But that doesn’t mean he’ll survive better than anyone else or achieve more than anyone else. Every person can’t be an alpha even if it tries. It takes more than a lesson on life skills to become... #1 Strength. An alpha is strong. If they dont have brute strength, they loads of mental strength to think under pressure. #2 A leader. An alpha is always a leader. They instinctively take the lead when the circumstances arrive their way. #3 Will to win. They will do anything it takes as long as they get what they want. They always try to be the animal standing. #4 Ambitious. They are the dreamer and is full of ambitions. They dont think small, and are full of ideas that other people haven’t begun to comprehend. #5 Competitive. An alpha is extremely competitive and takes immense pleasure in winning over their rivals, even those who instruct them. #6 Charismatic. They have charismatic. They inspire people around them and awes people through their dreams and ideas. #7 Challenging. They don’t shy away from challenges. In fact, they always go looking for challenges. #8 Confident. An alpha doesn’t mind silence in a conversation because theyre not nervous. The true alpha is extremely confident and doesn’t need anyone else’s approval for anything. #9 Rule breaker. They don’t follow rules, and they often pave their own path whenever they see an opportunity. Almost always, they make their own fortune using their means. The top dog is a role model, and all rivals either hate him or envy him. Theyre smart, be it street smart or book smart. Optimism oozes out of every orifice. They are extremely optimistic and always convinced that what they are doing are the right thing and the right way. They hold a protective instinct that is always on. They are alert and aware of what’s going on around him all the time. They know what theyre doing, and approaches their goals with a reckless and yet, calculative mind. Their ego is unaffected by the opinion of others. They don’t care what other people think of him because they think they are above mere mortals. They draw people with their ideas and their visions, or with their dreams. Alphas take risks, especially when they believe that it would work in their favor. Alphas have focus; their determination pushes them through adversities. Alphas don’t believe in fate and have a high internal locus of control. They believe that any event in their life is a result of their own actions. They are a solution finder. But as with anything that has an extremely positive side, there’s also a negative and dark side. With a lot of confidence, unfortunately, comes arrogance. The will to win of an alpha almost always turns into a rivalry. Like in a death match, alphas takes all pitfalls and challenges personally, and that clouds their better judgment. Alphas are perfectionist and are demanding perfection from everyone around them. They become very unforgiving when others dont meet their eye. They are bullheaded. They can be very stubborn when they truly believe in something, even if they are completely wrong. Perseverance, they dont know when to stop pursuing something because they are so overly confident about their abilities. They may achieve what they want, but the journey may drain them. Ruthlessness, anything that comes in the way of alphas pursuit, they try to eliminate it. Recklessness, the desire to win may be so intense that they may end up turning themselves into a reckless mad beast who doesn’t weigh the odds before doing something. Dominating alphas can be very dominating, to the point where others could fear them or get frustrated with their behavior. Apologies or credit, an alpha is unapologetic if they assume their right they did it. As for pressure, they thrive under pressure and love it. Even if it takes a toll on their health or the wellbeing of others around them, they continue to live life on the edge... Ty being on top of his game shot me an iMessage just after minutes after the heat race at 8:15 PM mountain time. He pointed out that Josh Hansen came into the race cold turkey, no practice due to bike issues. He missed all of his final practice. One of those things you deal with! Wrangling alphas is not for the meek! Its never a question if it is going to rain out the fire; it will, and you start another. Wrangling alphas has every issue you can come up with; you often eat cold turkey, drink cold coffee, and go without, problem-solving to get the beast to go... Sad is some make it, many dont... The wrangler must demonstrating a strict and uncompromising attitude and approach... The herd doesnt call the shots... they dont know the migration to market... A best alone, never makes it. Ty Kady AKA Redhead Cowboy will lead them to water and get them drinking... When you ride the range for a living, your work is never done..., its a long trail. Cowboy up, let her buck...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:58:31 +0000

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