Think your passed all the levels on control? Try going within - TopicsExpress


Think your passed all the levels on control? Try going within and finding the true nature of this multi-verse. The Entity that calls himself GOD is a self-centred, egotistical, psychopathic energy. Travel within your heart outside of this BULLSHIT construct of duality....(The one run by this entity) know...the all loving god that judges, castrates and even murders people in the name of good....I Have given up my connection with ridiculous ARCHONangels , Masters, Spirit guides, Gurus and even most healers. WHY?---Because It is another level of the control system. People think they are out when they reach the NEW AGE paradigm of rainbow farts and buttercups...This actually makes me laugh, yet at the same time it makes me passionate about this subject. I have been under every kind of control you can imagine, and I chose it all at the highest level. I am at the end of my road to compression, not expansion. Been there done that. I have been the entity that has murdered people, the being that controls planets, solar systems and dark energies...Think of the most evil being you can think of....BEEN THERE DONE THAT....hence the reason I FEEL these levels of control...I helped implement them in past lives...and now its time to take all my experiences and compress them into 1. I dont know about anyone else, but this is my last Rodeo and Im going with a hell of a BANG. No more frills, not more calling out to high heaven or giving up my power...THIS IS IT. I promise those who read this...if you think ASCENSION is the answer, and feel that we came here to raise our vibration to are sorely mistaken. You will end up in a synthetic light realm full of rainbow farts and butterflies, yet still under the judgment and control of this being people call GOD. Disclaimer** At the highest level...these beings have been contracted to play their part in this amazing Drama. Once you break those contracts and learn the lesson they were set out to teach...Then and only then do you become truly SOVEREIGN. We were never created..... if we knew this on a soul level...Things could really start to change. Think Im messing with you?...Stop looking outside for answers and find the truth within...until you are forced to like I was...I am a stubborn man, as must people take it from dont need to go through hell to find the truth. Its been with you the whole time.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:09:11 +0000

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