Thinkers are often asked from what source we draw our extreme - TopicsExpress


Thinkers are often asked from what source we draw our extreme passion. Well, imagine you meet someone fascinating and amazing and well, in your eyes...perfect. They are funny, and intelligent, and so unique, like no one youve ever met before...and you just cannot imagine how your journey together will unfold. Every new moment is an adventure. And then one day, after a very short time of knowing this bliss, that person is gone. Their body is still there. But, now they laugh when you are crying. They pinch instead of hug. Instead of looking in your eyes they look at the floor. Instead of quizzical looks and joyful squeals, they scream into you face at close range and pound on their stomachs and brains. One moment you are thinking, it just doesnt get much better than this, and the next? You are caring for a person who has no regard for their own safety, cannot protect themselves, cannot see or hear properly, cannot follow instructions, cannot clean or feed themselves, cannot indicate when they are in pain, or having an idea or an itch. It could be for 6 months, it could be for a could be for the rest of your life that you are caring for this walking invalid whose dynamism and personality were snatched out from under your nose by a system that told you they vowed to protect them. And all you have is the memory of what they were like BEFORE to push you forward. That is the seed from which we draw our immense passion. As you may have guessed, I have no FUA for today, because we are in the midst of a pisser of a regression. So, if you would please share yours with me so I can see past the nose on my face and yank the plank out of my eye, I would be so appreciative. Please tell me in what ways you and your perfect one reigned victory over the A word.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:41:52 +0000

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