Thinking With You... The Fight For The Soul of Nigeria TO THE - TopicsExpress


Thinking With You... The Fight For The Soul of Nigeria TO THE JONATHANIAN HYPOCRITES AND HIS OTHER AKINDANIDANI SUPPORTERS It baffles and saddens me how Jonathan who I baptized with the new name - Great Entertainer and Joker - GEJ - is still very attractive to some Nigerians as some one who can salvage the pieces and parts of imploded Nigeria after six years of doing nothing. Can these ultra loyalist supporters aka Jonathanians and his other Akindanidani supporters list Jonathans leadership qualities among leadership qualifications germane to being a successful leader? This Akindanidani President deceived you, conned you, cajoled you, and played on your intelligence four years ago while seeking your votes that as a former shoeless homeless person that he understood your problems and that he was in the same shoes with you. You blindly and foolishly I might add, bought hook, line, and sinker all the cancerous lies. You voted him as the president. Now, rewind his past six years as president, and with some native intelligence and assess Jonathan on what he promised to do for you four years ago and see how many of the promises he had fulfilled. If your memories failed you, let me remind you of some of his promises: corruption will be history, hell fix electricity within two years, Boko Haram will be gone, there will be more jobs than job hunters, in short, he said he would transform Nigeria. Now, here is the question I want you to answer if any of you - Jonathanians - are real human beings with feelings, emotions, intelligence, eyes to see, brains to think, ears that function, noses that can still smell foul, and consciences that are still alive, and above all if you sympathize and empathize with the suffering 99.99% of Nigerians stranded and better still, stunted in abject poverty, hopelessness, and other ancient evils expanded, fertilized, and nourished by your hero GEJ: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 14:04:35 +0000

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