Thinking about The Afterlife, Astrologers, Psychics, Seances, - TopicsExpress


Thinking about The Afterlife, Astrologers, Psychics, Seances, Channelling. And wondering what I really am hereafter. So much to think about... ... maybe I think too much. Por exlempo: Are there any non-corporeal beings? Is there a Valhalla and will some of us go there to be with Frega, Odin, Thor & Loki? Has anyone ever really achieved actual non-imaginary communication with deceased human beings? Or any other non-corporeal sentient beings - Divine, diabolical, animal or alien? For reals? So many people would say they are certain it has happened and that it happens every day. All you have to do is pray and hope (or believe) someone, somewhere, somehow, someday will answer. If you have enough faith maybe. Would it be wrong (or possibly a bad idea) to have a séance at a memorial service for a person or a beloved animal companion? Now I am wondering about funerals for pets. If I ever change careers I think I might be a good pet mortician. Not sure about the logistics / business plan for starting a pet cemetery. I dont think there is one in Corvallis. We did have a very sweet memorial service for Mojo on top of Marys Peak when we scattered his cremains. Fortunately Jaerod was on his 2 week leave from combat in Iraq so he could join us. Mojo & Jaerod loved each other so much. They were awesome together. There would be some real ethical issues for a pet mortician to consider. Upselling expensive poodle caskets could be very profitable but possibly immoral. Now I have to search for pet morticians - but I also have some other things I should really do first. Do some humans & / or animals have better afterlives than others? Is there a Purgatory and do they do the Limbo there? Is there anything we can do to help disembodied sentient beings have a better afterlife? Do really bad people all get a really bad hereafter - or are some unkind people souls just ended or maybe wiped clean like a formatted hard drive? Would punishing the most evil, nasty, yucky people for all eternity be a better thing for a supremo being (or supremo beings to & Pantheists & other non-Unitarians) than prorating the length of punishment to fit their crimes. And does time even mean anything in the afterlife - or is eternity vs temporary meaningless after death? Do nice & cheerful people have better eternity than mean or angry, cranky, grouchy folk? I think an optimist & pessimist might both say yes or no. Do sane people tend to do better after death than the mentally ill? Will St. Peter ask me about these fb posts when I die? Am I crazy to consider it, or am I not thinking enough about that? Would it be wrong (or possibly a bad idea) to have a séance at a memorial service? According to the Wikipedia Galactica - some modern religions (Spiritualist, Spiritist, and Espiritismo churches today ) do incorporate séances into their church services - not sure if they do them at any or all of their funerals too. Now I have to do some googling to find out how believers in modern day Voodoo & Santeria conduct their last rites. Could be a rocking good time for the mourners. LIie in New Orleans. So much to think about and maybe I think much. Maybe just maybe :: )) I am absolutley certain I love this song from Hearts & Bones They say that the left side of the brain Controls the right They say that the right side Has to work hard all night Maybe I think too much for my own good Some people say so Other people say no no The fact is You dont think as much as you could hmmm youtube/watch?v=LwmgHKdLGCU
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 02:47:06 +0000

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