Thinking loud......... I couldnt gloss over the fact that the - TopicsExpress


Thinking loud......... I couldnt gloss over the fact that the International Community uncharacteristic strong/stern stance on Israel lately and its ramifications and possible connection to the recent events in Jerusalem. However no argument or a discourse is complete without first presenting some premises and no inferences can be discussed without examining the validity of those premises. So let us examine the premises of my argument. Lately the EU foreign ministers have felt a desperate need to have a political perspective for Palestine, and have been trying ways to revive that farce of a peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, the peace talk that has been going on for the past 3 decades without any results and Netanyahu has been one of the rare Israeli PM who has overtly shown that he is not interested in it. None-the-less the international pressure has been mounting especially following weeks of unrest in and around Jerusalem centered around access to a holy site Al Qods that is sacred to both Muslims and Jews. Meanwhile the EU countries have one by one voted to recognize Palestine. British Parliament non-binding vote to recognized Palestine about a couple of months ago were the trend setters and paved the road for similar recognition. The Swedish government followed the Brits last month when she officially recognized the Palestinian state, and finally yesterday Spain joined the ranks of other EU countries to endorse Palestinian state. French lawmakers are expected to consider the recognition of Palestine at the end of this month (November) and the French State Secretary Harlem Desir has already spoken of importance of relaunching the peace talks. Again this is the same peace negotiation that Tel Aviv had never had a use for nor had shown any interest in the past. One by one the EU countries garnered the wrath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as disapproval of the United States. This past Sunday November 16, 2014, Netanyahu complained during a visit by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier that such moves (recognition of Palestine by the EU members) pushed peace backwards because they dont tell the Palestinians ... that they will have to make genuine compromises. On Monday November 17, 2014, after visiting Netanyahu, Steinmeier was reported that nervousness was palpable. Finally in the recent weeks the EU have been turning up the pressure on Israel over its policy of building settlements on disputed territory. Just last week Netanyahu in his defiance to the International Community approved another 200 new settlements in addition to the 500 new settlements which were approved last month. The 200 new approved settlement, which was a clear indication of Netanyahu showing his proverbial middle finger to Obama even led to a little change of language from Washington. State Department Spokesperson Psaki statement indicated a shift in White House sentiment from being concerned to being deeply concerned Furthermore the BDS, the movement which many doubted its futility has been picking a fantastic momentum in recent months. Some countries have been pushing for measures against Israel - for instance special labeling to differentiate products manufactured in settlements. A punitive action taken by the BDS movement which were slow to gain traction in the past, but has been picking up momentum. The world has witnessed the amazing and unprecedented carnage during 50 days of operation Ethnic Cleansing, the aftermath of which has been horrendous. Israel could no longer hide from the world that not only she has no intention to make life any easier for the Palestinians but that the systematic genocide of Palestinian will go on unabated. The reconstruction of what she had destroyed has been hindered by any means. The images of destitute Gazan families faced with the prospect of a bleak winter amid the ruins of what used to be their homes have replaced the photos of dead and mangled bodies of the Gazan children which used to fill the computer screens throughout the world. As if the total disregard for human life and dignity wasnt apparent enough, just last week, the Peace Doctor, Dr. Mads Gilbert, the man who tirelessly cared for hundreds of victims whose lives were hanging by a string or needed a expert hands of someone who cared to hold them when they took their last breath, was banned for life from returning to Gaza, a news which exploded in media like another one those Israeli bombs. Ironically yesterday the story was suddenly changed, Haaretz reported that the same Foreign Ministry that have put the life time ban on Dr. Gilbert, did not mean to say that the Norwegian doctor is banned from entering Gaza but that he is not allowed to enter Israel, as if Dr. Gilbert was planning to spend the next Hanukkah with Netanyahus family haaretz/news/diplomacy-defense/1.626926 So all together things have been not been looking up for Israel and has been getting worse on all accounts for the Palestinians. Harsher laws have been passed, 20 years for stone throwing, none Jewish population of West Bank and East Jerusalem have been systematically deported deported, settlers violations toward defenseless population which have not ceased is going on with even more frequency and more brutality, children were run over, youths were arrested and killed at every sign of protest. The world who stood in witness to the farcical TRUCE, saw it falling apart from the get go with much more awareness. On other fronts, US and Iran went back to the negotiating table over the Nuclear impasse, whether or not the negotiation of next week will bear any fruit is anyones guess, but non-the-less any negotiations with Iran is like a throne in Israel eyes. So in light of all that has been happening since the shift in view of International community of Israel, what do you think would be one thing that would change the equation? What would you say would would help with a shift of world opinion about the aggressor (Israel)? What would it take for victimizer to suddenly become a victim again? I hazard to venture out by saying that perhaps if Israel can manage to show that her security is in dire danger, it might help her cause. If Israel can show that as always the Palestinians can never be trusted, that Arabs and Muslims just have it for the Israel and the world. That Israel need to defend herself is more significant today than ever before as its enemy perpetually want her destruction, then go from duce to advantage Israel using Tennis terminology. So how utterly timely for another American humanitarian Aid worker who like the others have been captured since October of 2013 and we didnt know, Peter Kassig is beheaded by the yet another ISIS masked militant this one with a British accent;) an act of pure evil as White House the creator calls it ! As if evil were not upon the benevolent, yesterday two Palestinians stormed a Jerusalem synagogue, attacking worshipers with knives, axes and guns in the ultra-Orthodox Har Nof neighborhood. The attack which claimed 5 lives, 4 of whom were Rabbis whose nationality were revealed as 3 Americans and 1 British. The attackers, Uday and Rassan Abu Jamal aged 22 and 27, allegedly cousins, were both killed by Israeli police, not captured, but killed. Benjamin Netanyahu couldnt ask for better blessing in skies, 4 American victims in span of two days, 3 Rabbis and one aid worker. So naturally Netanyahu didnt waste anytime to state; We are at the height of an ongoing terror attack focused on Jerusalem, our eternal capital, and that he/Israel settle the score with every terrorist, claiming those who wanted to force the Israeli people out of Jerusalem would not succeed ! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was joined by British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, US Secretary of State John Kerry and of course their Palestinian cohorts President Mahmoud Abbas in condemning the attack. And of course no terrorist condemnation is complete without the US President Barack Obamas mini speech in form of condemnation of the horrific attack and added; There is and can be no justification for such attacks against innocent civilians. Funny huh? I wonder if there was any justification for the 50 days of attack on innocent civilians of Palestine all of the 2000+ of them? I wonder if President Obamas statement is also extended to the family of the innocent bus driver, Yusuf Hassan al-Ramouni who was lynched a day earlier in his bus? I wonder if Barack Obama even heard of Yusuf Hassan al-Ramouni, the man who abducted and brutalized himself and then finally hung himself ? I wonder if Benjamin Netanyahu considers this tragic event a God sent, a miracle really? I wonder if Netanyahu would agree with Joe Biden who said last week that had there not been an Israel America would invent one to serve her interest? After all had there not been 2 cousins who went on killing rampage yesterday killing 3 American and 1 British Rabbi in Jerusalem, in height of Tel Aviv unpopularity, he would have invented them! I wonder if I should wonder or if I should yield to a simpler explanation like, Violence begets violence, that killing indiscriminately has consequences, that one might take to heart the words of Jude-Christian script, eye for an eye.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 17:30:39 +0000

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