Thinking of Ukrops Just say, Ukrop is not a Ukrainian. Can be - TopicsExpress


Thinking of Ukrops Just say, Ukrop is not a Ukrainian. Can be Ukrainian, but not be Ukrop (and millions of Ukrainians are like that). Ukrop is Ukrainian patriot Maydans spill, piously believing in ideals, the racial superiority of Ukrainians over the quilted jackets and weekly Russian invasion. The phenomenon of thinking (if it can so be called) ukrops yet to explore socio-psychologists. In principle, it is already possible to begin such studies, and we will lay the first stone. Ukrops is initially counter-intuitive. Many of the tenets of their worldview not empirically verifiable or directly contradict reality, so one can only believe that it is desirable blindly. With ukrops it is impossible to talk on the level of arguments and facts. The facts they are indifferent, they live in an illusory world, of their TV, and if something does not fit into the declared their worldview, it is simply ignored. Thinking ukrops on many parameters coincides with the thinking of various totalitarian sects. For example, in his being noncritical it coincides with the thinking of Jehovahs Witnesses. So their teachers six times announced the coming end of the world, gathered in various places for ascension into heaven, and when the end of the world happened, I was explaining this to some gibberish, in which the congregation joyfully believed. And so until next time. They do not study and do not analyze these abilities they have blocked. If they tomorrow will say on TV that Jesus came and said that we needed to Sunday to collect things for ascension into heaven - they will collect your bags and will turn to fall. And if you then say that he called back and was moved to the later - they, too, will believe. Not convinced? How do you perceive their blind faith in the Russian invasion? Since the beginning of March the Ukrainian self-styled government announced the Russian invasion more than ten times, each time was that no invasion was not, but after a few days there was a new announcement about the invasion, and again the crowd of believers began to pour the curses of the damned militant Moskals and even more damned Putin. No matter what happens in reality, they just WANT to believe it. And sectarians will be painted fences and posts, believing that it is able to stop the invasion. And sectarians will hang flags everywhere, believing that this (not hard work) can bring wealth and prosperity. And will believe in foreign investment, although in reality since February of Ukraine is a steady outflow of capital. And will believe that the EU will help them to defeat corruption, while in the EU the third consolidated budget stolen (confessions of Europeans themselves). And will believe in European prosperity, while in the EU a quarter of the workforce unemployed. And will believe in the European assistance in the development of the Ukrainian economy, but all the laws of the market commanded to crush competitors. And so on. Citizens, this sect! Dangerous totalitarian sect, which actively mesmerizes all who can reach its propaganda. Lets look at recognized international associations of psychologists and psychotherapists eight criteria of Lifton by definition totalitarian sects (I already wrote about this a few months ago, but then it was not so obviously). 1. Environmental control of Private Life . Control of the living environment and communication within this environment. This includes not only people communicate with each other, but also penetrate into the consciousness of the person, group representations, gradually beginning to manage his internal dialogue. If you spoke with one zealot, we can know in advance all the phrases and answers all the others. The Maidan has mined, Putin is to blame, Russian invasion. And often they forbid themselves to doubt the correctness of the group dogmas, and communicating in their closed groups only become stronger in the faith. 4. The cult of confession The destruction of the boundaries of the person prescribing to share and confess any thought, feeling or action that can be suspected in the mismatch group rules. The acquired information is not forgiven or forgotten, and is used for control purposes. The Witnesses for the Invasion of Putin this is implemented through a network communication. Often sectarians are communicated to the slightest nuances of his behavior, which are then discussed with the other members of the sect on the subject of enough is Patriotic or not. In this case, any statements within the group dogmas are welcome, and beyond these boundaries - condemned (another element of the environmental control). 5. Sacred science. Belief in absolute scientific and moral truth group dogma that leaves no room for any kind of questions or alternative points of view. Professor BB and other theorists of ancient Protocol, false claims about 150 thousand years of Ukrainian history, the dogmas of neocalvinist Asian hordesnotion of infallibility and perfection of European values - all this cannot be challenged in an environment of sectarians. Any attempt to challenge or doubt encounter aggression. 6. The distortion of language. The use of verbal resources in order to limit the thinking of group members absolute, black and white, mycelebrityfashion cliches. The quilted jackets, Moskals, colorades, separatistes, Putler, earlier titushks Vata, heavenly hundred, ideals, European choice and many other terms, phrases, and phrases that pre-define the specific evaluation background and serve to stimulate rejection of their own independent thinking. 7. The doctrine above personality. The imposition of the beliefs of the group as opposed to experience, consciousness and integrity. Examples are numerous. That is, one knows that Kolomoisky and Poroshenko - thieving oligarchs. But group beliefs cause they be considered patriots. Or the person knows that the residents of Donbas ordinary people, often with higher education and good knowledge. But the groups beliefs forced to call them rednecks and quilted jackets. Or the person knows that Ukraine is beneficial to be friends and cooperate with Russia. But the groups beliefs forced to call Russians enemies. 8. The separation of existence. The belief that group members have a right to exist, and others have not. Dont even need special comment. Especially obvious on 2 may in Odessa. Then in contempt for dying civilians in the Donbass. Do not share our faith in European Paradise? Then let die - many similar in meaning and often in the form of claims can be found in any social network, on any forum, and often in the Ukrainian media. The most eclectic options - types of approvals that need to destroy 145 million Russians. With two points from eight not fused, but six is enough to confidently attributed Akropol sectarians destructive totalitarian cult.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:07:07 +0000

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