Thinking out of the Colonialist Box: In brief the Role of Agofe - TopicsExpress


Thinking out of the Colonialist Box: In brief the Role of Agofe is as follows – THE ROLE OF THE AGOFE OF LADO : The Agofe of Lado is the Symbol of Unity and the Representation of the People of Lado and Territory of Lado as the Chief of State of Lado in Central Africa / CA . The Agofe of Lado is the Commander – in – Chief of the Armed Forces of Lado . The Agofe of Lado is the Diplomat – in – Chief of Lado . He receives the Foreign Ambassadors , and He sends out the Lado Ambassadors to Foreign Countires ( States ) . The Agofe of Lado Signs Treaties and Agreements with Foreign Countries ( States ) . The Agofe of Lado is the Dispenser , the Chief Executive – in – Council of Lado , and the Legislator in Chief of Lado . He is also the High Priest and Primate of Lado for Religious Affairs and Faith . The Agofe of Lado is the Chief of State of Lado . He Signs all the Legislative Acts and Orders in Council , and in Parliament ( JOROTI ) as Chairman . The Agofe of Lado appoints the Chief of Government , Judges , the Chancellors , the Ambassadors of Lado , the Members of Cabinet ( Ministers ) and Military Officers and Police Officers . The Agofe – in Judiciary and accordingly is the Sovereign of Lado by the Validity the Signiture of Lado , 1815 . In otherwords , the Agofe of Lado is the Representation of the People of Lado and the Land of Lado recognised in International Law , according to the Berlin Treaty of 26 February of 1885 . N.B : As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado , according to Lado Constitution , the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression , the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association , both in Political and Non-Political Organisations , such as Political Parties , Interest Groups , Pressure Groups , etc… etc….. . The future of the Kingdom State of Lado for any changes to do lies within the wishes of the Citizens of Lado in the Constitution Reviews to do so by the Referendum they will do for it . N.B / or NOTA BENE : To say a bit more it is wise at least to say something to add to know about the present Agofe / King of Lado , H.M John Bart Agami Onzima II and this is the proven Certified Statement the Agofe issues / or Conveys about himself and his family Background to clear any doubts in on the minds of Readers who would want to know about him being the Agofe , holding the Highest Public Office of the Kingdom State / or KAARI of Lado . The Interview with John Bart Agami , Ph.D , JD ; ” THE AGOFE OF LADO KINGDOM STATE / OR KAARI OF LADO ” The given Answers by the Agofe : ” Concerning my Personal Background , may be the first thing I will tell you about is my own family . I think that is where everyone should start . So , the name Agami is my family name . It means you belong to the Agau Clan . Our family where leaders , we stayed in Egypt . We came to what is today known as Ethiopia . And we ruled Ethopia for 7 centuries , that’s from 640 AD to 1270 AD . Due to political upheaval , we left and ended up , today , where we are , in Lado in Equatorial Central Africa (ECA) . Now my family continued in Politics , though my Ancestor (Negus) Sambala Naiga left Ethiopia , to be exact , Lake Tana where our home at that time was . Today Lake Tana is in Western Ethiopia . And Lado means the land where our Forefathers are buried . We are today in the Upper Nile Basin ( Nile- Congo watershed ) living between the 3 Mountains : 1) Mt. Liru (Jaki Lolo) , 2) Mt Iti. ( Dribidu Tere ) where my father (John Anacleto Atobua) , my grandfather and my great grandfather – respectively Lemiro and Ayingani – are buried, whereas Ajua my great great grandfather is buried near Mt Liru , 3) Mt. Luku ( Sambala Naiga ) where at a time he lived after the Political upheaval that took place under his Reign over Ethiopia . Politically we have always been in the limelight . Jaki Lolo , Dribidu Tere and Sambala Naiga are the Three Hero-Founders of the Lugbari Nation :- ( Moru – Madi ) at Foot of Mt Rejaf . Personally , I was born in 1942 , on the 7th March , at 19 hrs 29 mins , on a Monday . I am the second born of our family . John Thomas Candia was the eldest of the family ( born in 1938) . The difference between him and me was four years . And , of course , my Father was John Anacleto Atobua and my mother was Anna Maria Orideru . I am John Bart Onzima ; Agami is our family name . It ( Agami) is also our Clan . So , we all use the name Agami . My own name is Onzima but my father , my brother and I : we all used the first name John as our first name ( Christian name ) . Tom was born in 1938 when my father was at war . My father reached the Military rank of Colonel , serving in the Kings African Rifles (KAR) 4th Regiment . Which was British , with headquaters in Bombo , Uganda . He went to fight for the British in Burma in WWII with the 4th Regiment of the Kings Africans Rifles , which later was stationed in Jinja , Uganda . My father resigned to carry out the Independence of Lado in 1947. He was replaced by a British Colonel called Alan Knight , whom I knew very well . He was a sort of family friend , an Englishman , a rare case . My father was assassinated on 14th April 1948 , because he asked USSR to raise the question of Lado at the UN in 1947, and the British found that was not the right thing to do . They said my Father was opening the eyes of many Africans and African countries . This is because my Father became the Chairman of African Chiefs in a Conference which was held in Manchester in 1945 , and Kwame Nkrumah ( his first name was Francis ) became the Secretary and Jomo Kenyatta ( his real name was Johnston Kamau ) he became Assistant Secretary. This was also known as the Pan African Association . This was a frightening issue for the Americans and the British . Therefore he (Atobua) was assassinated . There was a 4 Year Lado- British war following the assassination of Atobua from 1948 to 1952 . This Lado-British war was stopped by Sir Winston Churchill when he became Prime minister in 1951. But during the time of the assassination of my Father in 1948 , a Labour Government was in Power , led by Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee as Prime minister of Britain . At the time I am talking today we have a Labour Government again , led by Rt Hon Anthony Charles Blair . So , I hope they will do something positive this time . And I , myself , after finishing in St. Aloysius college , Nyapea , my basic secondary education in 1960 , I was prevented from taking my Cambridge School Certificate which was given by Cambridge University Examination Syndicate. The reason was , I was too dangerous to be educated , because Britain could not be sure of my future thinking . So I was taken by force to Kings African Rifles in 1960 and commissioned as a Lieutenant in the third KAR , ( 3rd Regiment ) which was Scottish commanded , East African command , in Nairobi , Kenya . In 1961 , I was taken to Sandhurst , ( the Royal Military Academy in England ) . I finished my studies there the same year , which was not an easy issue for the English , knowing it was my Grandfather , who fought the British the most (from 1914-1919 and 1930-1937) . I was taken back to the 3rd Regiment in Nairobi , Kenya . In 1962 , while a Captain I was then taken to go and fight in Western Uganda by the border with Ruanda . At a place called Kisoro . After this , I was taken back to Nairobi and appointed High Commissioner ( KAR ) . Today when you talk of High Commissioner you are talking Diplomacy but Militarily we should say High Adjutant of KAR . I represented the British Imperial Chief of Staff in Nairobi . On march 1 1962 , I was appointed a full Colonel without passing through the rank of Major first and sent to command 4th Regiment (KAR) to Uganda . I took the job , to organize within 6 to 9 months , the Uganda army for Independence which was due on 9th October 1962 . Uganda did not have an Army . They only had a Regiment ( 4 Regiment of KAR ) . They did not have a Ministry of Defence . So I had to organize and Head the Ministry of Defence in Uganda myself . So I did all that , under British Colonial Administration . Colonel William (Bill) Shane who had served with my father in WWII in Burma became my Military Advisor . Before my coming he was serving as Chief of Staff in the British Protectorate of Uganda ( 4th regiment KAR ) . There was no African I was dealing with . I was only dealing with Europeans . Everything was European in concept and so forth . That is why , I clashed with the British ; and I was arrested on the 11 September 1962 judged at night and 12th September 1962 I was imprisoned for 7 years in Luzira maximum Prison ( next to the execution chamber Room 8 ) . The reasons were all political in Nature . The issue was : I was asked to sign that Lado should be passed into British Administration . I refused to sign it and for three weeks I was tortured in Luzira prison . In October , I organized with some of my soldiers ( 4th Regiment KAR ) an Escape from the Prison . That was in 1962 . From then till now I have been in exile ( barring a brief period in 1971 from June to Nov and another period from January 1973 to April 1974 ) . I have been in Exile for at least 40 years . The Experience of the Colonial Period bears no comparison to today . During those days , one of the things , I noticed was that , you never shared toilets with Europeans or Asians . In every toilet , it was written on your left African , in the middle Asian , on the right European . It was an Offence for an African to urinate in a European toilet . It was changed only after Independence . This is the true nature of Colonialism . You never shared the same Toilet , let alone Restaurants , Hotels and even Schools . You never mixed . But the Colonial System was organized . so that , the Governor was Supreme and Commander-in- Chief . He took his Orders from England , either from the Foreign Office or Colonial Office from either Secretary of State for Foreign affairs or Colonial Affairs . The legislative power was all invested in the Governor ( the Power to make Laws ) . The Africans were not in the Legislative Council ( Parliament ) . The country concerned was then divided into Provinces , and each was headed by a Provincial Commissioner , in the case of the English speaking countries , who was always an English man . The Provinces were divided into Districts , and Districts were headed by the District Commissioner , they were all English , or Scottish , or British , or may be Irish . Therefore you can see in the Whole Administration , there was no African , at all , until the so – called Independence . When were the Black Africans able to gain experience to run themselves ? Black African governments were all overturned , destroyed and all this period they were kept / held out of Government . What could one expect from them , the Africans ? That’s a good question. My answer is : NOTHING , NOTHING . That’s one of the difficulties today , for the African leaders to run their Countries . To me , they have no knowledge , no experience to run a Nation-State as such , and they were denied that Right . They were not trained to do it . Any African who tried to be patriotic was either killed , or deported or put in prison because you were not allowed to do anything but sit and wait to labour as a Slave . Period !!! There was no such thing as human Rights . Because you were primitive and you had to be Civilized by a European . As one writer fom Nothern Europe put it ”Africa is like a Black Ghost vessel moored to Europe and Asia ”. The attitude against Africans is the worst . I could go on and give you a lot of other areas , but this will tell you , if you could not share a toilet , what else could you share ? I think that analyses the difference . The Colonial World was different . It has no comparison with what is today . There is no comparison . You just have to learn it for what it is . You have to learn to understand it bit by bit . That is the wisest thing a wise man or woman can do . This is what my family has been battling with , and why the Independence of Lado was not given , as we did not respect European Superiority as they claim . ” . Foot notes lists of the European and United States of America ( U.S.A ) Governor Generals and Top Military Commandants in Occupied Lado Kingdom The British National Governor Generals in Lado : 26 May 1871 : Major General Sir Samuel White Baker became the first Governor General to Rule Lado for the Khedive of Ottoman Empire. 1873 : General Charles . G . Gordon took over from Sir Samuel White Baker but stayed at Khartum in Sudan without stepping in Lado . 1914 : A Senior Police Officer Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became representing the British Interests in West Nile / Lado through Uganda . He ( Weatherhead ) waged continual wars against the Lugbari of Lado for fighting the British in Lado Land A.E. Weatherhead was a British colonial administrator who served in South Africa , Uganda and the Seychelles . Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became the first District Commissioner of West Nile District. In 1914 , the Southern portion of the Lado Enclave was assigned from Belgium to Uganda under the British Protectorate. Weatherhead took over the administration of the ” New Area ” and built a station in Arua , the present headquarters . He drew the first plan of Arua Town. Locally, Weatherhead was nicknamed Njerekede/ Ejerikedi (a brave honest man they could trust and who trusted them) . A road in Arua is named after him , that is the Weatherhead Park Lane . It starts from the Main Roundabout adjacent to the Golf Course and extends east towards the Presidential Suite in Anyafio Village . He waged continual war against Lugbara groups in an attempt to impose British Colonial Rule . He referred to the Lugbara as ” wild and unattractable ” , and as ” shy and unorganized ” , requiring ” severe measures before submitting to administration ” . Following the British policy of indirect rule , he used the chiefs appointed by the Belgians for administration and control . 1936 – 42 : Martin Willoughby Parr became Governor of Equatoria / Lado . 1948 – 1951: Major General Sir John Hall was the British Governor for Lado Affairs during the period of Prime Minister Winston .S . Churchhill in 1951 when the Prime Minister stopped the war which had again broken between the Lugbari and Britain when the Lado Prime Minister ( Keego ) was killed by the British Agents . Italian National as the Deputy Governor General in Lado Captain Romolo Gessi an Italian ( became the Right hand side of as a Vice-Roy to General Charles Gordon in Lado as Gordon apparently refused to Stay and step in Lado ). A German – Prussian National Governor General in Lado Dr Eduard Schnitzer nick named or took out to be known as or called Emin Pasha as he turned out to be a Moslem became the Governor General of Lado and was the luckiest to have ruled for 10 years for the Khedive of the Ottoman . United States of America ( U.S.A ) Governor Generals in Lado 1876 -1878 : The two Governor Generals were , Colonel Henry . G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A . Manson . BELGIUM NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERALS IN LADO Belgium Top Commandants and Governor Generals stationed at Uele and at Capital town in Lado : 17 Feb 1897 – Nov 1897 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (1st time ) stationed at DUNGU in UELE of Lad Region , Nov 1897 – 15 Dec 1898 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 1 time ) , 15 Dec 1898 – 1 May 1900 : Jean Baptiste Josué Henry de la Lindi , 1899 – 1900 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier , 1 May 1900 – Mar 1902 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (2nd time) , Mar 1902 – Jan 1903 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 2 time ) , 1900 – Jan 1903 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier , Jan 1903 – 24 Mar 1904 : Georges François Wtterwulghe , Jan 1903 – Aug 1903 : Albéric Constantin Édouard Bruneel , Aug 1903 – Mar 1905 : Henri Laurent Serexhe , 24 Mar 1904 – 1904 : Florian Alexandre François Wacquez ( acting for Wtterwulghe to 8 May 1904 ) , 1904 – May 1907 : Ferdinand, baron de Rennette de Villers-Perwin ( acting to Aug 1906 ) , Mar 1905 – Jan 1908 : Guillaume Léopold Olaerts , Jan 1908 – Apr 1909 : Léon Néstor Preud’homme , Apr 1909 – 1910 : Alexis Bertrand , 1910 – Jun 1910 : Charles Eugène Édouard de Meulenaer . And now Compare this Situation of the Governor Generals of Uganda only from Britain and as an example of the Foreign Governor Generals in Africa to which the European Colonial Powers easily gave Independences to their dominated , indoctrinated , tamed African Colonies and Protectorates . Lado is really Unique in Africa for her Independence Issue then ! Nota bene – the List of the British Commissioners and Governor Generals in Uganda – All , only from Britain : The British Nationals ” Commissioners ” of Uganda , 1893 – 19101 Apr 1893 – 30 May 1893 : Sir Gerald Herbert Portal , 30 May 1893 – 4 Nov 1893 (acting) : James Ronald Leslie MacDonald , 4 Nov 1893 – 10 May 1894 : Sir Henry Edward Colville , 10 May 1894 – 24 Aug 1894 (acting) : Frederick Jackson , 24 Aug 1894 – Dec 1899 : Ernest James Berkeley , Dec 1899 – Nov 1901 : Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston , Nov 1901 – 20 Nov 1907 : Sir James Hayes Sadler , 20 Nov 1907 – 31 Jan 1910 : Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou Bell , 1 Feb 1910 – 18 Oct 1910 : Sir Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux . The British Nationals ” Governors of Uganda ” , 1910 – 1962 1910 – 1911 : Sir Harry Cordeaux ; 1910 – 1911 : ( also Commissioner in early 1910 ) , 1911 – 1918 : Sir Frederick Jackson , 1918 – 1922 : Sir Robert Coryndon , 1922 – 1925 : Sir Geoffrey Archer , 1925 – 1932 : Sir William Gowers , 1932 – 1935 : Sir Bernard Henry Bourdillon , 1935 – 1940 : Sir Philip Mitchell , 1940 – 1945 : Sir Charles Dundas , 1945 – 1952 : Sir John Hathorn Hall , 1952 – 1957 : Sir Andrew Cohen , 1957 – 1961 : Sir Frederick Crawford , 1961 – 1963 : Sir Walter Coutts : 1961 – 1962 : ( Sir Walter Coutts also Governor-General until 1963 ) . Meanwhile it is important also and hereby to note that the present North and South Independent States of Sudan before as one United Republic State being had their Governor Generals as one before their Independences from each other during and under the Anglo/ Egyptian Dominium Rule over them , from 1820 – 1821 through 1899 ( following the Sudan Anglo / Egyptian Condominium Agreement ) to 1956 . The List of the Names of former Colonial Governors of Sudan ( both North and South Sudan ; former Anglo / Egyptian Sudan seperate from Lado were as follows : List of governors of pre – Independence Sudan : Egyptian Sudan ; better later , which became known as the Anglo/ Egyptian Sudan November 1820 to 1821 : Isma’il , Supreme Commander , April 1821 to September 1824 : Muhammad Bey , Supreme Commander , September 1824 to May 1825 : Osman Bey , Supreme Commander , May 1825 to March 1826 : Mahu Bey Orfali , Supreme Commander , March 1826 to June 1838 : Ali Khurshid Pasha , Hakimadar Governor- General , June 1838 to 6 October 1843 : Ahmad Pasha abu Wadan , Hakimadar Governor General , 6 October 1843 to 1844 : Hakimadar Governor-General , 1844 to 1845 : Ahmad Pasha al-Manikli , Commander , 1845 to 1849 : Khalid Pasha ( Husru Abu Amud ), Hakimadar Governor- General , 1849 to 1850 : Hakimadar Governor-General , 1850 to January 1851 : Abd al-Latif Pasha , Hakimadar Governor-General , January 1851 to May 1852 : Rustum Pasha Cerkes , Hakimadar Governor General , May 1852 to 1853 : Ismail Pasha Abu Jabal Hakimadar Governor-General , 1853 to 1854 : Salim Pasha Sayib , Hakimadar Governor-General , July 1854 to November 1854 : Ali Pasha Sirri Arnavut , Hakimadar Governor-General , November 1854 to 1855 : Hakimadar Governor-General , 1855 to 1857 : Ali Pasha Jarkis , Hakimadar Governor-General , 1857 to 1858 : Arakil Bey al-Armani Mudir’umum , acting Hakimadar acting Governor General , 1859 to 1861 : Hasan Bey Salamah , Hakimadar Governor-General , 1861 to 1862 : Muhammad Bey Rasileh, Hakimadar Governor-General , 1862 to 1865 : Musa Pasha Hamdi , Hakimadar Governor-General , 1865 to November 1865 : Omar Bey Fahri , acting Hakimadar acting Governor-General , November 1865 to 1866 : Jaafar Pasha Sadiq , Hakimadar Governor- General , 1866 to 5 February 1871 : Jaafar Pasha Mazhar , Hakimadar Governor- General , 5 February 1871 to October 1872 : Ahmad Mumtaz Pasha , Hakimadar Governor General , October 1872 to 1872 : Edhem Pasha al-Arifi at-Atqalawi , acting Hakimadar acting Governor- General , 1872 to 18 May 1877 : Ismail Pasha Aiyub, Hakimadar Governor-General , May 1877 to December 1879 : Charles George Gordon (Gordon Pasha), Hakimadar Governor- General, 1st time , December 1879 to February 1882 : Mahummad Ra’uf Pasha , Hakimadar Governor- General , February 1882 to May 1882 : Muhammad Nadi Pasha , acting Hakimadar acting Governor- General , May 1882 to March 1883 : Abd al-Qadir Pasha Hailmi , Hakimadar Governor- General , March 1883 to 5 November 1883 : Ala ad- Din , Hakimadar Governor-General , 5 November 1883 to 18 February 1884 : William Hicks (Hicks Pasha) [dubious – discuss], Hakimadar Governor-General , 18 February 1884 to 26 January 1885 : Charles George Gordon (Gordon Pasha), Hakimadar Governor-General , 2nd time ; Killed in the Battle of Khartoum , 26 January 1885 – 2 October 1898 : Territory of Egyptian Sudan under complete control of Mahdiya (Mahdist State) British Military Administration , 2 September 1898 to 19 January 1899 : Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener , Military Governor Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (condominium) , 19 January 1899 to 22 December 1899 : Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener , Governor- General , 22 December 1899 to 31 December 1916 : Sir Francis Reginald Wingate , Governor General , 1 January 1917 to 20 November 1924 : Sir Lee Oliver Fitzmaurice Stack , Governor General Assassinated in Cairo , 21 November 1924 to 5 January 1925 : Wasey Sterry , acting Governor- General , 5 January 1925 to 6 July 1926 : Sir Geoffrey Francis Archer , Governor- General , 31 October 1926 to 10 January 1934 : Sir John Loader Maffey , Governor- General , 10 January 1934 to 19 October 1940 : Sir George Stewart Symes , Governor-General , 19 October 1940 to 8 April 1947 : Sir Hubert Jervoise Huddleston , Governor-General , 8 April 1947 to 29 March 1954 : Sir Robert George Howe, Governor- General , 29 March 1954 to 12 December 1955 : Sir Alexander Knox Helm , Governor-General , Anglo / Egyptian Sudan : 1 January 1956 Independence as Republic of Sudan Source of References : Lado News Information Service ( Kingdom of Lado ) . Lado Enclave ( Equatoria / Lado : News Reports and Journals on World Enclaves ) . Uganda News Reports on Lado West Nile and Madi ( formerly of Lado Enclave ) . Book reference informations on Lado – Equatoria : The Lado Enclave ( General Studies Series ) by C. H. Stigand ( AUTHOR ) . END . Author , Ronald Okuonzi Lulua – N.C , Senior Government Officer , Provisional Government in Exile State Kingdom of Lado , GREEN BUREAU / GRB , KAARI / KINGDOM OF LADO , ( HEART OF AFRICA
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:46:51 +0000

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