Thinking together How to solve the crises we face today? To - TopicsExpress


Thinking together How to solve the crises we face today? To truly bring change in our current predicament we need to address our problems in their entirety -as a whole. We see that the problems we face are systemic, relating to an entire system and affecting the entire body –earth and the whole of humanity. And to address a systemic problem, we need a systemic change. We need to uproot the common soil from which our problems grow. As Einstein famously stated No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We can address separate issues, our entire economic model, or our monetary system but any solution landing on old soil, will eventually be plagued and overgrown by problems rising from the same root that brought about our current predicament. Money is not the root of all evil, as Ayn Rand pointed out, those who consider money as the root of all evil need to consider the root of all money. Our consciousness is the common soil upon which we all stand, that gives rise to all our problems. And so it is this basis that we need to address first and foremost. We have to rise above the level of consciousness from which we created our problems, and we have to do this as a whole. We all can grasp this intellectually and see the logic of it, but what does it entail ‘to change our level of consciousness’, is this even possible? Our consciousness is our entire existence. It are our convictions, our opinions and the conclusions we have drawn, our feeling of nationalism, our fears and desires, the seemingly insurmountable problems we face, that what we call love and sympathy and the problem of death, where we ask ourselves if there is something awaiting us after this, whatever it might be, something rising above time and thought; something permanent. That is the content of our consciousness. And that is the content of the consciousness of every man, no matter where on earth one might live. And the content of our consciousness is the common soil on which the whole of humanity stands. Wherever one lives we feel anxious, troubled, insecure, stressed, afraid, confused, tense, without ever feeling a deep sense of security. We have this in common with the whole of humanity. That what we think, what we feel, our reactions, our fearful unrest, our loneliness, grief and sorrow, the pain we suffer and the search for something that is more then merely material, something that rises above all thinking. All that is the same for someone living in India, Russia, Africa, or the USA. All live with these problems, live with the same difficulty in our mutual relations with one another, between woman and man etc. We stand on the same soil, namely our consciousness. We have a common consciousness. That is why we are not individuals. We need to take this in deep consideration! We are drilled and instructed from our early years to believe that we are individuals, separate souls that all pursue their individual goals. But this is a delusion, because we share our consciousness with the whole off humanity. Thus we are that humanity. We are not separate individuals, emerging for ourselves. This is a question of reason, of logic, of common sense. We are no separate agencies with their own separate psychological content that struggles for it’s own survival. No, we are as all, attached to all. We are in fact as the rest of the whole of humanity. Maybe one can accept this intellectually, but when we intrinsically feel that this is the case, we undergo a radical change in all our doing. This is something we have to think about together. This is something that deserves our attention and needs to be addressed. Our consciousness, our way of thinking, our way of live – no matter if some live in greater prosperity, with more comfort and luxury and greater opportunity to move about – our psychological content, our inner voice, it is exactly the same as those of people living thousands of miles away from us. This we have to think about together as we look at our problems. And with this in mind, from this understanding we can bring about true change and harmony to our relationships. Our greatest problems are our relationships – the way in which we relate to something, or someone. The whole of life is a matter of relationships. And look what we have done in our relationship to one another, to the earth and our environment. A work in progress...
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:54:32 +0000

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