Third Intifada ?: Perhaps….But without Betrayal by Adel - TopicsExpress


Third Intifada ?: Perhaps….But without Betrayal by Adel Samara The last few months brought a new way and wave of struggle invented by Palestinian youths. A lot of news, speech and programs concentrated on that event. In the following brief lines I like to concentrate on some related issues to the event: First: Who are the new fighters? Some of the new fighters are independent and some are members in resistance organizations. Even those who are not direct members in resistance organizations, they influenced by their heritage in both its old and recent ones. This was my analysis since the mere beginning of the last wave. I wrote and mentioned it in an interview to Al-Mayadin space channel. I even took the adventure to say that still, we are not ready for a large Intifada and that what is taking place now is a war of position not a frontal one (Gramsci). Some intellectuals and analysts argue that the new wave is pure spontaneous and independent from resistance organizations. Those who are against organizations are in fact against the principle of resistance. There is a lot of intellectuals whom I called the Intellectuals of the Sixth Brigade ISB arguing since a long time against all military organizations ridden by a hidden agenda which is the marketing of what they call: The popular peaceful resistance. They are benefiters from normalization with the ZAR, Donor’s rent which paid as a “price” for our Homeland in the process I call “Peace for capital”, NGOs and trying to NGOize the struggle. They concentrate on and exaggerate the defects of organizations to cheat the masses to stay far from great narrations. That is why they consider the left as pure and nothing but “Stalinism- I disagree on this term which coined falsely by Trotskyites” and they consider the right as pure and nothing but Salafism. Second: Who are Encouraging but not contributing in the wave? A lot of media stations are encouraging the Palestinians to go for a Third large Intifada. Many analysts are doing the same. Those people are with good motives. But my question is: What is the meaning of an only Palestinian struggle against the ZAR? Does that mean that other Arabs are: • Consider the conflict only between us and the ZAR? i.e. it is not an Arab/Zionist conflict? • Are those Arabs Internalized the Defeat and decide to declare gave up? The best example is the Foreign Minister of Bahrain who directly condemns the Operation against the ZAR’s settlers. • Does those Arabs trying to re-educate Arab masses that Palestinian question is a private matter for Palestinians? • The same for the most of Moslem countries who are satisfied by donating us emotions and some tears in front of TVs. All of those want victory by us and without any participations from their side. The brutal Zionist war against Gaza was a hard evidence showing to what extent those Arabs and Moslems did Internalize the Defeat. Third: The Practical Form of Intifada: According to the balance of power on global, national and local scales? I think that frontal war from the Palestinian side alone is an adventure. It must be a struggle of various forms, social, military, political economic and cultural. The open and frontal military one will cost the people a lot and might lead to some form of long quietness. But some operations between era and another in addition to large boycotting, anti normalization…etc will keep the cause alive and did not put the masses under attrition. Briefly, it must be a strategy of two pillars: • A rebuilding of the country, i.e. to uproot corruption, normalization, and to adopt Development by Popular Protection DbPP, boycotting the ZAR, and to stop depending on poisoned rent…etc. • To practice military struggle on a position manner. Fourth: The fate of Intifada: It is important to go back to the experience of the first Intifada as popular struggle which replaces the struggle by elite. While it was new contribution of struggle against colonialism, it is in fact betrayed in two manners” • On Palestinian level it is betrayed by Oslo Accords • On Arab level it is betrayed by Arab Qutriay state which succeeds in blocking its expansion to their masses. • The same is for second Intifada. That is why, we must be aware of the fate of the current wave of struggle so as to do not be betrayed. By Adel Samara
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:54:08 +0000

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