Third day in a row ive heard the British Bullshit corporation - TopicsExpress


Third day in a row ive heard the British Bullshit corporation announcing even more money that was already promised to us for future projects...How can that be right?...I remember Robert Peston on two occasion under the Labour term in office Doing interviews that wiped billion from the stock exchange on two consecutive days!...So how can anone say the BBC is not biased is beyond me!...For the last four years i watched as they tried to condition us over that period to get us ready to be fracked!...At first it seemed cool the way they presented it with their science correspondent and their little filmshow and i along with many others were fooled to begin with but since i have been researching the whole sordid business over the last two years and all i know is the whole big oil corporations are as corrupt as are most of Parliament and Whitehall along with the City of London to name but a few. Along with the money for bank bailouts which stand at 1.4 Trillion pounds This administration under the Con-Self servatives Mustve given at least another Trillion to The oil companies and individuals either by way of the tax regimes or in grants supposedly for exploration of yet more oilfields in hard to reach places such as the arctic,this money i suppose was to give us energy security but as it happens the middle Eastern Arab countries of Opec just had to step up production to cause mayhem across Global markets such as is happening in Russia with the Rouble losing significant value over the last two days...So i just thought id let you all know what was going through my head over the last couple of days and remember you do NOT have to pay for a T.V.licence!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:51:57 +0000

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