Thirty three years ago today(actually tomorrow the 8th) Linda made - TopicsExpress


Thirty three years ago today(actually tomorrow the 8th) Linda made the best decision of her life…She married me! You guys know how forgetful wives can be, every so often she forgets how brilliant her decision really was. Fortunately she has me to remind her how luck she really is! Usually she just shakes her head and mutters, “Whatever”. Most husbands understand “whatever”, is an old English term that translates to, “Oh, you are so right Dear”. After thirty three years, I’m not totally house trained, but I think I’m getting much better. It’s been a while since I rebuilt a motor inside the house or placed a horse trough in the basement to winter my gold fish in….Ok, so those aren’t good examples. Just remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, maybe two or three, given that the whole universe was built in seven days. Linda claims we have been married 5 good years. I always wonder if she admits to one full good year or if that is the total of good days added together. Yet, Grasshopper, it does bring up the philosophical question; am I capable of losing good day credits? We were both in Ace and Beth Yakey’s wedding when we first met. I’m fairly certain that Linda has never forgiven Beth to this day. I was smitten the moment I saw her, but, alas, Linda was dating someone else and wouldn’t give me the time of day. For years I pined away longing for her. As I vied for her attention, I think she mentioned that I could contact her again after I graduated from school and had an income. She can be such a jokester. When reintroduced, she pretended that she didn’t have any recollection of ever meeting me, I got that a lot. To be honest, it surprised me as much as her that I graduated; I suspect the school decided to cut its losses and gave me a mercy diploma. I asked Linda what she wanted as proof. I had no idea that a current W-2 counted as a facsimile of a transcript. Actually, Linda loves me…..and can you blame her? She’s been in absolute bliss ever since we got married, it seems I have to remind her about that also. People often ask her why she puts up with me. That question has a very simple answer; I have pictures! Some people might call that blackmail. Nothing could be further from the truth, the word blackmail evokes such dark deplorable images………I prefer the term “Incentive”!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:05:09 +0000

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