This 13th anniversary of 9/11 please support 9/11 families and - TopicsExpress


This 13th anniversary of 9/11 please support 9/11 families and seek justice for America by demanding that the censored 28 pages of the 9/11 report be released. A not so well covered press conference scheduled for today in New York City will feature representatives from the 9/11 families and two Congressman who are attempted to get a resolution passed that would only request that President Obama release the 28 pages. While the Bush Administration initially classified those pages, President Obama has continued to sit on the documents despite promising to release them when he campaigned for President. Some Congressmen who have seen those pages say they were shocked although they could not reveal what they had read, nor were they allowed to take notes. Several independent investigations strongly suggest that the missing pages will reveal Saudi government involvement with the 9/11 hijackers that extends to Prince Bandar a.k.a. Bandar “Bush.” The implications are, of course, incredibly frightening. If Saudi Arabia aided in the commission of an act of war against the United States and is being allowed to get away with it, we are not a safe nation. If Saudi Arabia is to get away with an act of war against the United States, it is entirely because of the political power that the Saudis have been able to purchase with economic clout that extends to its ownership interests in Chase Manhattan Bank and Citibank. We may be at the mercy of the Saudis when we gas up our cars, but we don’t have to do give them our money at Chase Manhattan and Citibank. Please think about contacting your Congresspersons, Senators and/or the President by mail, email or phone (best), to support the search for truth and justice for the 9/11 families andAmerica. Just as importantly, please share this link all over the net. The trained media has ignored this, so God Bless the Internet. Below is a good article on the subject from the New York Post. nypost/2013/12/15/inside-the-saudi-911-coverup/
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:08:40 +0000

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