This 2015, dare to win you should be sick. Not malaria nor - TopicsExpress


This 2015, dare to win you should be sick. Not malaria nor typhoid. Be sick and tired of doing the routine. Be different this time. stand up. Stop murmuring. Put on your shoes. Stick out your chest. Shrug your shoulders. Kick off! For its time! While you get busy regretting the loss of yesterday,today which is all you have slips away. Forget the loss. The academic loss,relationship loss,job loss or competition loss and forge ahead. Game on! Start setting the stones for the success of tomorrow,today. If the dream of your life has never scared you,this means it is not big enough. If you can dream big,act big,you can win big. 5 tips below could help you win bigger this year 1.creative use of time. The most important things in your life must take the largest portion of your time. Invest your time into your choosen career. Its unwise to spend couple of hours on season film and just few on things that will add values to your life. Change the way you spend your time today for the reward of tomorrow. 2.confront the fear of failing. A hero and a coward have similar fear running in their veins. But the different between the duo is that while the hero confronts his fear and turns it into fire,the coward forget it and flee. Train your mind to think of failure as a stepping stone to success and the best way to this is to dare to win greatly. Lose and win more. Thats the order of the world. So,failure isnt failure unless you dont learn from it. 3. Believe in yourself. You are the best man for the job says a little bird.develop your talent and trust your power to win. Dont ever allow your fall keep you on the ground. You should either be up or getting up. If you fail after failing and your dream still burns like an inferno,then you are right on track to success. The only one who can stop you is you. Yes you. You can do it. Go all out. 4.Roll with great minds Give me a common villager with a goal and i will give you a man that will make history. Give me a prince without goal and i will give you a common villager in palace. Move with people who will help you win.your co-dreamers not those chaps that will drain your dream with the vanity of the time. They will not be there with you when the chips are down.. Flee from little minds but respect all. 5. Get close to God. It would be surprising if you dont serve God. Resolve to walk with your creator this year. Put God first in your journey to success and the result will amaze you. Be closer to Him than ever if you want win this year. Conclusion. You dont need to be told that you have glory by gazers of stars. Your burning desire today is the prophesy of your destiny. And your destiny shall not be blamed for your destiny. Take the bull by the horn and win. Every one is looking up to you. Make it your duty to disappoint those waiting for your failure. Respect others. Keep good health, rest well and work well. I see you and me winning this year! Happy new year! Osho.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:42:49 +0000

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