This AMAZING R+F MIRACLE STORY of Adrienne Whatley of Laurel, - TopicsExpress


This AMAZING R+F MIRACLE STORY of Adrienne Whatley of Laurel, Mississippi is WORTH the read!!! Take a few minutes to absorb this incredible story!!! We are not just changing skin with R+F, we ARE changing LIVES! I have the privilege of meeting and helping many people everyday! Maybe you know me and know my story, maybe you dont. It is not easy for me to share and I generally dont share it publicly on social media, but today is the day I will. I have been married to a locomotive engineer for 20 years. Employed by a Fortune 500 company and as you could imagine, the lifestyle and income was nothing short of amazing. Life was as close to perfect as you could call it. I always had a small job ($40,000 a year or less) and was the very best I could do AND find in Mississippi that would allow me to be in my bed every night. I was never ashamed of my level of income or any job I had, as I got a college education and did my very best and always worked VERY hard. (If you know me or I have ever worked for you, you know that). So to put it frankly, Chris was THE bread winner. So, on April 20, 2011. I got the call that every wife of an engineer dreads to hear. Every wife of a pilot hates to hear. Every wife of someone in military hates to hear. I got the call that Chris had been in a crash, he was hurt, involved an 18 wheeler that ran a stop sign and plowed into the moving train he was driving (with passengers on board).The train was on fire, he was hurt, people were hurt, it had derailed and was so catastrophic, it was currently being seen on CNN live as the worst collision in the Southern Division since the late 70s/early 80s. My heart began to pound, my heart began to throb, my feet began to shake, my palms began to sweat, the world began to spin. I knew he was dead. I knew it. There are no seat belts on the head end. Memories and thoughts and emotions and what ifs just began to swirl at almost 100 miles an hour. I was pregnant with Sela and Taylor was 3, and whether my husband was dead or alive I didnt know. Chris had lost not one, but two friends his age in train crashes and he had told me since we married, as long as the train is on the tracks, I am ok. He said if the train ever leaves the tracks, engineers die and I will be gone. At this point all that he had told me was swirling through my head. The thought even ran through my head do we have burial insurance? Guys, I am just being as honest as I have ever been. Through 30 minutes of HONESTLY the worst 30 minutes of my life...I heard the phone ring and it was Chris....he was able to call me from the hospital to know that he hurt, but alive and I immediately flew to La. When I saw him, I knew it would be a long tough road that I can honestly say has made me the person I am today. Once we got home, not only did Chris have concussions which left him with 2 traumatic brain injuries from the frontal blow (to know him you wouldnt know it, but he could never have lives in his hands again and operate safely) a cochlear concussion, he was put in a brace and countless emotional injuries, the healing journey began. I wont walk you through that, but all doctors agreed he would never return to work safely, it was deemed NOT his fault and he would be taken care of, BUT the battle of federal litigation began, that if you know ANYTHING about, can last 2, 3+ years. So here a man is that had $90,000+ a year in income, to ZERO because he couldnt return to the line of work that injured him, even though he did nothing wrong. We could have filed bankruptcy, I could have said oh life happened to me, I am gonna let this bill go, let that bill it off once everything is over etc. But I said no way, no how. I am not going down as most people would, I am going to work my fingers to the bone to get through this. I began to look at myself. I could NEVER make what Chris makes. NEVER! He has had that job 20 years! I dont even know where to begin.... But I just began to try.......... Within 5 months of the accident, I got a call about Rodan+Fields. Guys, I am gonna be candidly honest with you, I didnt want to join Rodan+Fields, I didnt want to sell skin care, I didnt want to post on Facebook or share results. I didnt want to call my friends or be around ANYBODY or even want to wash my face. I was going through the hardest thing I had ever been through except my miscarriage at 28. But to deal with someone who was living in torment mentally and emotionally was draining me. I saw ZERO way to begin a business, much LESS to be successful at it. But GOD had another plan...he opened my eyes. I had NO IDEA the gift someone was trying to hand me. NONE. I thought it was Avon, parties, here today- gone tomorrow. I was IGNORANT. Something (had to be the Lord) just kept nudging my family to share with me and within a couple months I REALIZED that R+F really WAS different and it was something I could do in my part time hours around my kids. It couldnt require a lot of money to begin. It wouldnt require me to sit at a desk or clock in, and it was on my terms. There was ZERO risk. I even heard they had a company car, but I said that will never be mine. I will never create wealth, I will most likely just pay my bills. Yes, I said all those things. My goal ON PAPER was simply to replace Chriss income within 5 years. So, I said ok, this is Proactiv doctors, the company is new, it hasnt gone global yet, I would be CRAZY not to do this. I had a feeling they would give me all the tools I needed to be successful. I had a feeling if I would do my part, they would do theirs. I had a feeling people where there to help me. I had a feeling they had every tool in place in MY hands to be successful, IF ONLY I would do it. It was up to ME! STILL, I didnt realize what I had my hands on. Just like you, if you are reading this and not a part of R+F, you most likely cant yet see it either......or you would join these doctors by midnight tonight (trust me). So to make a long story short, within 1 year I had matched Chriss bring home pay he lost. We were absolutely BLOWN AWAY!!!! Remember, this was 4 years early on my goal sheet. We just celebrated year 2, and I have blown past his highest level of pay and I am now the highest income producer at the Whatley household of ALL times, and on average.....I work 15 hours a week!!! WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!!!!! We began to think and realize HOW MANY PEOPLE were exactly where we were, and we began to work even harder to share our story and what this company has done for us and is doing for so many and WANTING to do for many MORE!! If you think R+F is just about making a lot of money for personal gain, you are wrong. Rodan+Fields is about keeping homes, building homes, retiring spouses, and buying groceries, bringing moms home, giving at Christmas, getting out of debt, paying for Christian school, picking up the grocery tab for someone in front of you, writing out a $5,000 check to a missionary and crying knowing it was by Gods grace and not you, supporting missionaries, living a life WITHOUT worry of finances. There are enough worries, why worry about money when you have a way to change it right here?! Today, this car means so much more to me than a Lexus. It means that no matter what situation you are in, you can get out of it if you are willing to work. My husband is no longer in his legal battle, but had it not been for Rodan+Fields we would have lost everything we had in the process, and I am NOT ashamed to tell it. You tell me where you can find an opportunity that can replace a 20 year Fortune 500 salary, even a Masters degree cant touch what I earn a year!!! If you are where I was, or know someone that is, I beg of you not to let this pass you by. I poured out my heart to 2,000 people today on social media and I am sure this will be shared a million times, and I hope it goes to the people that need it the most. Big blessings come in little blue boxes. Now you know why I am so PASSIONATE about Rodan+Fields. lifestreamsflow.myrandf~~~>> Ready to change YOUR skin?>> Ready to change YOUR future?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:14:42 +0000

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