This Arcane Truth is an inescapable reality that we live in and - TopicsExpress


This Arcane Truth is an inescapable reality that we live in and will ultimately proof of its own accord that everything emanates from a single source of causation. It will unequivocally endure and pass all the tests of time leaving all assumptions, hypothesis, and theory, tossed asunder as broken reeds in the wind. The Universe is now in the process of revealing its deepest secrets, leaving humanity in stupefied awe. Unless change is recognized, many of the religions stand in danger of becoming dissolved and toppled as the masses of people will eventually gravitate toward the revealed Arcane Truths and Wisdom. This knowledge will cause humanity to experience true freedom that is free from religious idol worshipping, misinformation, and superstition. The straitjacket of religions that has bound humanity for so long will become dissolved in the lapse of time. The truth is, that beneath the material chemistry, astronomy and psychology (that is, the psychology in its phase of brain-action) the ancients possessed a knowledge of transcendental astronomy, called astrology; of transcendental chemistry, called alchemy; of transcendental psychology, called mystic psychology. They possessed the Inner Knowledge as well as the Outer Knowledge, the latter alone being possessed by modern scientists. Mind is creative and the principle upon which this law is based is sound and legitimate and is inherent in the nature of things; but this creative power does not originate in the individual, but in the Universal, which is the source and fountain of all energy and substance, the individual is simply the channel for the distribution of this energy. The individual is the means by which the Universal produces the various combinations which result in the formation of phenomena. If science does not maintain an open Mind to keep pace, they will be left in the dust of the rapidly advancing Ancient Wisdom of SPIRIT that is on the increase in people around the globe. It must be remembered, that SPIRIT is no respecter of persons, and will rapidly advance the Minds of receptive individuals, regardless of education or ethnic background, who have made the effort to focus their attention upon Spiritual Advancement. This phenomenon will become more apparent as time goes by. We Change The Face Of Earth ♥ In Service for Earth and Humanity - For a New Earth! Please see and follow timeline:)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:26:52 +0000

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