This Brittany Maynard story in Oregon about committing suicide - TopicsExpress


This Brittany Maynard story in Oregon about committing suicide with a pill, is tragic on so many levels. One; it shows how Ahab Nero Obama, all demoncrats, progressive establishment in the GOP, and the leftwing media have built a structure in our society to just give up on ourselves. When we as citizens are conditioned that living is too hard and giving up is the only solution, death becomes the only solution. With Obama and demoncrats stealing our wealth, GOP establishment keeping power from he Tea Party and to lazy to challenge evils of demoncrats, and the media hiding the truth from every and any of each story; hope is draining us from waiting for true change that empowers the Republic of We the People. Two; with Obamacare giving the Federal Government power to ration and limit Healthcare and have Death Panels that allows them to decide who lives and dies; Assisted Suicides could be staged and falsified in records and in the public knowledge by the media. A society and nation that allows its own Federal or International Government the right to control their Healthcare, will loose rights to choose whether we live or die when an illness comes to revelation of a diagnoses. Making each of us expendable and useless to the Federal or International Government. What if; each individual that is healthy and not sick like Brittany Maynard was, is deemed an enemy and a problem against the dictatorial means we see through Ahab Nero Obama? The Federal or International Government could use Obamacare to stage fake illnesses to eliminate their enemies through staged Assisted Suicides. Think Vincent Foster; which was killed to cover up Hillary Clintons crimes with Whitewater Gate. But the suicide was proven staged by the Russian Mafia killing him. But Kent Star messed up the investigation, and Hillary got away with a hit job on Foster. This Brittany Maynard suicide does more harm than good for our nation. But more for the family members she left too early from their lives. Brittany has now opened a door for Obama and his evil partners to excuse themselves to use fake suicides to eliminate their enemies. If you do not think Obama and his evil friends would do it; Ambassador Stevens and four soldiers allowed to be killed at Benghazi, helping Muslims kill Christians in Sierra Leone and Liberia, allowing Hamas to use civilians as human shields Israel, allowing Ebola to enter the United States by shutting down travel from infected areas, and overtaxing and overregulating citizens of our nation; proves how evil these people are. A government that steals from its own citizens; I willing to kill off its citizens to pay for the debt they made in the names of its citizens.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:20:40 +0000

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