This Christmas I decided to do something different. Every other - TopicsExpress


This Christmas I decided to do something different. Every other year I participated in the rush and push of Christmas Shopping and buying happiness for everyone I love. I always thought it miraculous to be able to take care of my family and give my children some of what they wanted and everything they need. I was always exhausted Christmas Morning. Joyful, nonetheless. I took inventory of my home and my kids rooms. Everyone has a flat screen TV. Everyone has a video game system (Wii, PS4, XBox One), everyone has iPhones, everyone has tablets, everyone has beautiful clothing and coats and jackets and sweaters and perfume and cologne and art supplies and gym memberships and equipment and shoes and boots and sneakers and furniture and computers and laptops and toiletries and comfort. I looked around and I thought to myself I . Did. That. ???!!! Yes, I did all of that and then some. But I did not do it alone. I am a walking testimony to Gods mercy. And I am truly, truly humbled and grateful that I was never a statistic and always a victory. So...this year I sat my kids down and told them it was time to give back. No gifts unless they were handmade. No shopping unless it was to prepare meals for each other. No wish lists because they have everything they want and need. This year we gave all of our Christmas wishes away. I woke up feeling at peace after a decent night of sleep. I walked my dog, stopped to chat and have some coffee with my fried Joe, an elderly veteran who sits outside Ft. Independence Park. I dropped off three meals to local families as well as gifts and coats and hats and gloves for their kids. Came back home. Sophia was already cooking breakfast and my sons were playing their guitars and bongo drums in the eldests bedroom. In the spirit of A Christmas Story were heading to Chinatown later if anyone wants to join us. The Bumpus dogs didnt eat our turkey! We gave it away. Merry Christmas everybody!!! Love isnt love till you give it away....
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:34:40 +0000

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