This Could Get Beyond Our Control... -Senator Rand Paul - TopicsExpress


This Could Get Beyond Our Control... -Senator Rand Paul And yet... in spite of the fact that Barack Obama has already called the Ebola outbreak a national security priority ... and in spite of the fact that he has the statutory and legal authority to do so... Barack Obama is REFUSING to ENFORCE THE LAW by implementing reasonable travel bans and visa and entry restrictions on people coming into the United States from Ebola infected countries. Theres only one way to stop this insanity. Our elected officials need to step up to the plate. They need to pound on their bully pulpits every second of every day until they SHAME Mr. I-Have-A-Pen-And-I-Have-A-Phone into enforcing the law and implementing a reasonable travel ban. But make no mistake, our elected officials WONT do it on their own, they must hear from you... and they need to hear from you now... before it is too late. The Government Is Lying To You. But before we delve into our governments half-truths and half-measures, let us state, for the record, that if you believe our government is not being straight with you, youre not in a panic and youre not giving in to to irrational fears. Far from it and, in spite of what you may be hearing from the Obama Regime, the lame-stream media and even some Obama apparatchiks who have medical degrees, demanding that our government take reasonable precautions and temporarily restrict travel into the United States to avoid what Mr. Obama has already called a national security priority does not make you a kook or a wing-nut with a tin-foil hat. Its just common sense. And you dont need to be a medical doctor or a microbiologist to understand that our government is not being totally straight with you. When it comes to the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, our government is allowing politics to trump public safety. As Senator Paul stated: This could get beyond our control ... I think because of political correctness were not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions... Were being told that no one who is showing outward signs of Ebola is being allowed into the United States. But wait a minute, if Ebola can incubate inside of a human host for up to 21 days, how are we stopping the infected, who show no outward symptoms, from coming into the country? The short answer is, were not, but were told thats okay because the same people who told you that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor... the same people who told you that ISIS is a jayvee team ... the same people who told you that there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS... the same people who allowed untold numbers of veterans to die as they waited on secret lists for essential medical care... is now telling us that everything is okay... were being told that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will somehow be able to locate these people after theyve become contagious and isolate them to control the spread of the disease. Thousands of people from Ebola-infected countries and adjacent countries come into the United States every day. Are we to believe that our government has the resources to track thousands... tens-of-thousands...? OK get on the PHONE and CALL your ELECTED OFFICIALS NOW.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:55:14 +0000

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