This Day In Church History October 23rd, 1835 – Joseph - TopicsExpress


This Day In Church History October 23rd, 1835 – Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Hyrum Smith, John Whitmer, Sidney Rigdon, Samuel H. Smith, Frederick G. Williams, and W. W. Phelps assemgled and united in a special prayer. 1837 – “The High Council of Kirtland appointed Luke S. Johnson, Reynolds Cahoon, and John Gould a committee to visit John Johnson, Jun., and see if he would desist from selling spirituous liquors to those who were in the habit of getting intoxicated, and report to the authorities of the Church those members who might drink spirits at his house. Also voted that the Church see that all difficulties and differences be settled as speedily as possible; and that unruly children be reported to their parents, and if they neglect to take suitable notice of it, then the parents shall be reported to the authorities of the Church and dealt with accordingly. Voted that we discountenance the use of ardent spirits in any way to sell or to be brought into this place for sale or use.” 1838 – “The Saints flock into Far West until it is full of destitute citizens.” 1841, October 23-24 – Minutes of a conference held at Lima, Illinois: “President Young, Elders Taylor and Richards, then made some very appropriate remarks, showing and proving the absolute necessity of finishing and completing the House of the Lord now building in Nauvoo, in preference to anything else that can be done, either by mental or physical exertion, in spreading light, knowledge, and intelligence among the nations of the earth... “After much deliberation, it was moved and seconded, that all those who are willing to consecrate one tenth of their time and property to the building of the temple at Nauvoo...signify it by the uplifted hands...carried unanimously... “Elder John Taylor delivered an address, upon the object of Christ’s mission into this world, the resurrection and redemption of the Saints, and pointed our very clearly the source to be pursued in order to become the sons of God, through the ordinances of the gospel, that the Saints, may, at last, be exalted at the right hand of God, to dwell with him eternally in the heavens... “President Young made some very just remarks on the priesthood, authority, and calling.” 1843 – Brigham Young: “With Elders H. C. Kimball and Geo. A. Smith I visited the Prophet Joseph, who was glad to see us. We paid him every cent of the means we had collected for the Temple and Nauvoo House. He taught us many principles illustrating the doctrine of celestial marriage, concerning which God had given him a revelation, July 12 th .” 1843 – Letter from Heber C. Kimball to Vilate: “Now my dear Vilate, stand by me even unto death, and when you pray, pray that I may hold out to the end...My heart aches for you and sometimes I can hardly speak without weeping and that before my brethren, for I have a broken heart and my head is a fountain of tears...I never had a greater desire to be a man of God than at the present, that I may know my acceptance with Him.”
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:20:47 +0000

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