This European and American respect for human rights principle. Its - TopicsExpress


This European and American respect for human rights principle. Its astonishment for Ryukyu Okinawa person oppressed under the Japanese control. I cant think at all. https://facebook/XinhuaInternational/photos/a.223830234430896.1073741828.222852871195299/424670587680192/?type=1&theater For example 3 years have passed since my wife and child kidnaped kidnapping, but a city office and also Japanese Government even are seen and arent also peeled. Moreover (my wife and 6 children) though I dont find out whereabouts yet about 5 people in 7 people (my wife and 4 children). But, when Japanese Government will be Japanese abduction issue (as one of North Korea problem), Japanese Government raises an issue by UN. By the state that a wife and child of Ryukyu Okinawa person are so cruel:. 是對在日本統治下被虐待的琉球沖繩人來說驚愕。完全不能考慮。 是對我的言論壓制的一環。/At a part of the speech oppression for me. 與家族的會見到最後也被禁止,一次也不能。/ the meeting with the family wasnever do it 們已經被他們綁架誘拐,領走。/already kidnapped by them, and my child and wife 當時在個人志願者繼續17年言論活動。/I was the architect w/ Ryukyuan human rights activist 、、、從那以後,這個2年半的間,為了不讓我的妻子作證日本人方面侵犯的不(正)當·非法行為的,目的。 由於那個原因2人的大學生使之除籍大學,被剝奪學問的自由被街頭迷惑。 一家主要的我被下獄的4個月之間。/During four months when I who was important of the family was imprisoned. 那個最壞的狀況從出獄以來2年5個月過去的今天現在也持續著。/passed from release from prison now. 今年5月23日。琉球人的我,進行了對是進行那樣的市民壓制的當時的日本人沖繩縣警察本部長的村田隆的損失賠償請求 At the time of 2011 three years ago, it was haunted by Japanese Chief Constable, Ryukyuan police officer of Ryukyu Okinawa, secret agent] for 17 years me. At a part of the speech oppression for me. In my home, all these numerical family has been living happily for many years at that time. A child 13 years old (seventh grader), 14 years old (eighth grader), 17 years old (twelfth grader), 19 years old (freshman), 20 years old (junior), 26 years old (went to Tokyo for working away from home). And Mr. and Mrs. us is in total eight people in total. And I was arrested for false accusation frame-up unfairly in the end of the year by the Japanese director of police, plural Ryukyu Okinawan police officers and was taken into custody unfairly for four months./3年前的2011年當時,我被日本人警察本部長,琉球沖繩的琉球人警官,密探]糾纏17年。是對我的言論壓制的一環。那個當時我家,只這個數的家族多年幸福地生活著。孩子13歲(初中1年級),14歲(初中2年級),17歲(高中3年級),19歲(大學1年級),20歲(大學3年級),26歲(去東京出外做活)。並且,是我們夫婦共計共計8人。並且那個年底對日本人警察部長,複數的琉球沖繩人警官,冤罪捏造被不(正)當逮捕,4個月被不(正)當拘留了。/3年前の2011年当時、私はそれまでの17年間、日本人警察本部長→琉球沖縄の琉球人警察官→密偵から付きまとわれていました。私に対する言論弾圧の一環で。その当時我が家では、これだけの数の家族が長年幸せに暮らしていました。子どもが13歳(中学1年生)、14歳(中学2年生)、17歳(高校3年生)、19歳(大学1年生)、20歳(大学3年生)、26歳(東京へ出稼ぎに出ていた)。そして、私たち夫婦合わせて合計8人です。そしてその年の暮れに日本人警察本部長→複数の琉球沖縄人警察官に、冤罪”でっちあげ”で不当逮捕され、4ヶ月不当拘留されました。
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 02:55:39 +0000

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