This IS whats POSSIBLE... 5 months ago the p-t job Id had for - TopicsExpress


This IS whats POSSIBLE... 5 months ago the p-t job Id had for 5+ years was unexpectedly made redundant - notice I didnt type that I was made redundant - or Id not be sharing this :-). Initially it felt like the carpet had been pulled from under me. Actually...I think I was always too big a character for the job-company and me being me was a constant challenged to the hierachial masculine monster that eventually let me go. Im not one for do as I say..not what I do and I expect senior management to practise what they preach. Profit making is good...though not when it comes at the cost and diminishment of staff. In time I truly lost respect... So bye-bye Nyali :-) was shrouded in post relocation layoffs. With no backup plan to stave off financial responsibilities or crises, or big savings, or wealthy family or sugar daddy... Im still healing myself from serious illness with no known cure. I decided NOT TO APPLY for state support. Nor to look for a replacement job. I committed to use my precious energies for growing the vehicle for delivering MY CALLING. Less than 6 weeks following this my then landlord changed his word of a minimum rent of 3 years (less than 12 months from me moving in) propelling me into residential uncertainty. Immersing myself in home search I found somewhere a month later and immediately moved lock-stock-and-smoking-barrel. I often wished my barrel had been smokin only I dont own a gun and have no intentions of doing so. Historically Ive experienced decades of homelessness and extreme vulnerable that I didnt get triggered into panic or passed trauma is testiment to my years of growth, development and healing. I made a very courageous decision to put that same energy into creating my global business; as an International Transformational Coach, specialising in Feminine Leadership, Health and Wellbeing, Womens Empowerment and Relationships. Ive taken big risks, scary ones, not having someone to bail me out...and its working. Logic often says dont spend money youve not got and at times I agree with this...though not always. I invest heavily in my growth (rent, living money,...) and in working with some of the best teachers and coaches in the world. The results speak for themselves. There is no hero going to come charging along to save me....and this is just fine. Im the heroine in my own story, Ive got my back. Im writing an incredible script for myself, my life. Today Im EARNING 33.33 X PER HOUR WHAT I WAS EARNING JUST 5 SHORT MONTHS BACK. And this is just the beginning. As an EXCELLENT Coach I dont charge for my fees are what my client invests in for their transformation, for their become real. What are your dreams worth and what are you willing to commit to and invest in them becoming your lived reality. My point is: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. If this speaks to you and youd like me to coach you or speak at a public event I look forward to hearing from you. Please note at this time Im not taking on any pro bono work. I believe in me. Do you believe in you? Love Nyali #ilovemywork #iamcalledtoserve #ibelieveinyouuntilyoudo #transformingyourpatternsanddreamsintoreality
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:37:33 +0000

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