This Is Not Your Resting Place This life is full of trials, - TopicsExpress


This Is Not Your Resting Place This life is full of trials, full of troubles, and full of changes. Sin within, and Satan and the world without, will keep a Christian from rest, until he comes to rest in the bosom of Christ. The life of a Christian is a race--and what rest have those who are still a-running their race? The life of a Christian is a warfare, and what rest have those who are still engaged in a constant warfare? The life of a Christian is the life of a pilgrim--and what rest has a pilgrim, who is still a-traveling from place to place? The fears, the snares, the cares, the changes, etc., which attend believers in this world, are such that will keep them from taking up their rest here. A Christian hears that word always sounding in his ears, Arise, for this is not your resting-place, because it is polluted. --Micah 2:10. A man may as well expect to find heaven in hell as expect to find rest in this world! Rest is a jewel very desirable on earth; but we shall not wear it in our bosoms until we come to heaven. Mans sorrows begin when his days begin, and his sorrows are multiplied as his days are multiplied; his whole life is but one continued grief: labor wears him, care tears him, fears toss him, losses vex him, dangers trouble him, crosses disquiet him, nothing pleases him. The rest reserved in heaven for believers is a universal rest-- a rest from all sin; a rest from all sorrow; a rest from all afflictions; a rest from all temptations; a rest from all oppression; a rest from all vexations; a rest from all labor and pains; a rest from all trouble and travail; a rest from all aches, weaknesses, and diseases. Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from all their toils and trials! --Revelation 14:13 (Thomas Brooks, A String of Pearls 1657)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:20:58 +0000

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