This Is What Happens When You Get on Obama’s Bad Side 25 - TopicsExpress


This Is What Happens When You Get on Obama’s Bad Side 25 Comments To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “There they go again.” The Securities and Exchange Commission has launched an investigation into three high-profile businessmen and celebrities based on allegations of insider trading. In reality, it’s the Obama Administration using Chicago-style gangland tactics to attack (and try to make an example of) political enemies. The FBI and SEC are investigating whether pro golfer Phil Mickelson and professional gambler, real estate and golf course developer Billy Walters illegally traded non-public information from Carl Icahn in 2011. That’s when the corporate takeover specialist made a $10 billion offer in attempt to buy Clorox. Icahn and Mickelson both denied any wrongdoing in the matter, while Walters said to an inquiry from the Wall Street Journal, “I don’t have any comment about anything.” On May 31, Mickelson released a statement, saying: “I have done absolutely nothing wrong. I have cooperated with the government in this investigation and will continue to do so.” Icahn told the New York Post on May 30 that he has never engaged in insider trading: “We don’t know of any investigation. Further, we are always very careful to observe all legal requirements in all of our actions,” Icahn said. “I’m very proud of my record and I’ve never given out insider information. I’m very careful. That’s why I have an unblemished record.” Icahn acknowledged that he knows Walters, but has never met Mickelson: “While I’ve obviously heard of Phil Mickelson, I’ve never spoken to him or met him.” A law-enforcement source told the New York Post that no wrongdoing has been found, and no criminal charges have been filed against either of the three millionaires. Walters has made hundreds of millions of dollars as a professional sports bettor, real estate and golf course developer in Las Vegas. Icahn is worth about $24 billion, and Mickelson is a well-known pro golfer with an estimated net worth of $180 million. gangstersIt’s obvious they aren’t hurting for money… so what’s the real reason for the investigation? Here’s a little background and some dots to connect. ◾Icahn donated $100,000 – all to the GOP – during the 2012 election cycle. ◾Walters recently gave $100,000 to the GOP SuperPAC The Congressional Leadership Fund. ◾Mickelson hasn’t made many political donations, but he publicly criticized Obama (and California’s high tax rates) in 2013 and threatened to move out of the Golden State. So what’s the crime these gentlemen are truly guilty of? Criticizing – and funding the political opposition of – one Barack Hussein Obama. He knows that ObamaCare is an abysmal failure, and the VA Hospital, Benghazi and IRS scandals have made Democrats very politically vulnerable. The President is doing what his team did in Chicago: Bully, intimidate and threaten the opposition, and make an example of them to other potential wealthy GOP donors and supporters. It’s just another example of Chicago-style politics that Obama and his crew have brought to Washington. by Taboola Sponsored Content FROM THE WEB Little Known Way to Pay Off Mortgage Lifestyle Journal There Are SHOCKING Secrets Hidden In These Photos! EMGN The #1 WORST Golf Mistake Ever (Are You Making It?) Hank Haney University Some Dude Hacks Microwave, Puts Manufacturers to Shame Reviewed 8% Annuity Return Secret? Senior Annuity Alert Do-it-yourself Free Testosterone Solution Better By The Minute • Tim Seriously? is there anything in this article that surprises anyone? I applaud the reporting on the criminal organization running our county, however I personally would love to see more on how the administration faked the multiple shooting issues as well as the Boston Marathon Bombing. • Cm This is but one more crime to add to the long list. How many are we up to now? 100? 125? When we needed an opposition party we were stuck with the wimpy GOP. 0bama knows that he can do anything, including murder, and get away with it • ObamaHillaryKilledBenghaziFour Obozo, the largest hoax, besides global warming ever perpetrated on this planet. • Eric Haulenbeek I’ve never been surprised by the continual stream of slime that’s oozed from beneath the doors of the Oval Office for the past six years. This particular part of our White House has never before had a fraud and a crook hiding within this chamber. History will show these Obama years to be the lowest point this country has ever been in the past 260 years. The entire world has been subjected to the stench that emanates from behind these doors, and everyone knows what a travesty of justice took place here. History will also show that the exceptionalism of the American people overcame this hateful assault by the Obamas and the rest of their anti-American entourage that they had bussed in from underneath every dirty rock and crevice that lined the pathway of years that this tragic Obama/Soetoro odyssey was made up of. Over the next several years we’ll learn mush about who these Obamas really were as the cover-up unravels and the truth finally becomes known. I can’t wait to watch it all come tumbling down! • RightStuff44 There is no doubt in my mind that this is chicken sh!t politics by the punk-in-chief. He continues to make enemies, and karma is soon to catch up with him. When you elect a boor, and put him in a silk suit, you still have a boor in a silk suit. Noting more, nothing less. • warpsix No where did 0bama say he was going to have an Honest government. The “Most Transparent Administration in History” seems more like a Government version of “3-card Monte” • RightStuff44 The guy is no better than cesspool sludge. • Tom Somers BUT!!!!!! It’s alright for the cronies’ in DC to do it! F’n Hypocrites! • robertludlum Doesn’t the congressional mafia do this all the time? If I was these three well-heeled gentlemen I would hire the biggest legal guns you can find and go after the federal government for violating your equal protection rights, as outlined in the 14th Amendment. Even if innocent, they are being accused of something the snakes in Con-grab get away with all the time. Politicians are not above the law. • Bob Fitts Yep. And the Obambi foreign policy is embarrassing. • Stephanie Mineer When Inside trading becomes illegal for politicians, then I’ll be interested in this. As it is, I seriously doubt that these men are guilty of anything but pissing the big “O” off. • underthewire Is there a worse mulatto on this planet? Be specific. • chaga Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, all the same—- twisted wrong headed haters. • Cold War Gunner What foreign policy?? OH, you mean the international gun-running that got 4 Americans murdered.. • Tonto The GOP is dead and doesn’t know it yet. Tea Party is the new “up and comer”. • Tonto Disgraceful is a better word I think. • gunnygil IMPEACH–PROSECUTE–REMOVE before Aug 2016 so maybe we can have the ammo to undue the destruction done over the past 26years by Clinton the draft dodging coxman, GW the wimp, and Barry the Marxist pretender • rebapiper It/s more than just embarrassing, it happens to be Criminal, right now he is responsible for the Death of those Iraqi people that are being slaughtered.I believe I read that on of the Gibmo prisoners that was released was holding the head of the Iraqi policemen and said that was his ball, refering to the games. air strikes when they ask for them could have prevented the death of many and they take over of another city. mr death I call him, everything he does, death is always the out come. Right now he’s hiding in Indian country. Why Indian country? I honestly think Mr.death is part of the islamic, or jihadist clan. He doesn’t dare send in air strikes they would come after him. Gas prices will not go to $10.00 a gal. Watch the oil market. Once again it’s Iraq’s oil. Big money to be made. inside trading just like the clinton did. clinton wouldn’t bomb Iraq because Soddom paid better. but all his supporters had to be paid back. those that invested in the oil market. so he bombed Syria oil refineries and the war was over. Investor got their money back. the poor clinton,the obamas and of course lets not leave bloomberg out of the picture. UN made million off Soddom as well. • rebapiper yes that’s part of his policy. right now his policy calls for the beheading of the Iraqi people. Domestic policy, kill Americans. our Vets and obamacare has death panels designed to kill the elderly and the handicap. hitlary has made $100 million dollars in the last 2 weeks, so I’ve heard. Stop Buying the book. She’ll make plenty off the dead Iraqis and the fall of their country. big oil, they can’t blame it on Pres.Bush this time. and it wasn’t Pres.Bush the last time. • Boris Badinuff Jail this bastard,,,,, now • Carol Chadbourne He is the BEST at what he does…lies, cheats, steals (SS$$), blackmails, threatens, coerces, extorts, etc..all in all, he’s one helluva slime ball. • rebapiper I hate to tell you this but Inside treading for our politicians was legal and they did it all the time why do you think they all get rich when they take those jobs, why do you think they don’t and won’t give up those jobs. hard to get them out. election fraud has a high price. it’s just been recently that inside trading for our politician have been stopped. now when they do it, it’s illegal. right now big money is being made on the oil market. gas is going up and up. • Seldena This is terrible to go after these fine patriots. They have the freedom to donate THEIR money to the GOP or whomever they wish. This evil in the wh has to go. Something has to break in favor of good in America. • Fred Mueller Many years ago organized crime “went legit.” Call them what you wish: the “mob,” the “Mafia,” etc. They are as corrupt as anyone can be, and they’re behind all of the lies and deception in our government. They pull the strings of Obama and the yes-men/women in his administration. They tell their puppets what to say and what to do. Nothing will ever change until Americans stop allowing themselves to be divided and conquered in our present 2-party system. Liberal liars are running the entire show in BOTH major parties. It’s time to send them packing! • Carol Chadbourne Well, in CT…Newtown…those who were involved were/are actors…you know, the people and kids who were ‘shot’?? They’re living happily ever after, with full pockets, down in FL….they. IMO. were ALL staged and choreographed right down to the sick puppies who killed themselves..(IF, in fact they did)…these are the type of machinations of the chairman to ‘prove a point’…he knows a LOT of people in ‘the business’ from Hollyweird…and he can get what he wants, when he wants it….and get it done when he wants to do so. He is EVIL personified and cares about absolutely NO ONE but his narcissistic self…he believes he’s already the caliphate in what was OUR country…but, now ‘his’…He uses and abuses people, and then finds a way to dispose of anyone he’s ‘tired of’…he is literally ‘getting away with murder, treason, malfeasance’….because “I can” quote. 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Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 02:47:16 +0000

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