This Islamic/Communist islammunist Govt under 0bama et al, by - TopicsExpress


This Islamic/Communist islammunist Govt under 0bama et al, by proxy working for George Soros Global Communist Intetests; and Soros as a Nazi sympathizer of the past, Soros is also an economic terrorist and thief, and is wanted in Six European Nation for fraud, stock manipulation, insider trading, international economic larceny, and the list goes on and on. Soros hasnt changed his ways, he is as evil today as he was when he was young, just many times over Rich (Soros out of anyone, epitomizes the idea perfectly the rich getting richer, while the middle class disappears and those left, get poorer. When the dust settles here in the states, I am afraid youll find Soros had his hands in the mix of our economic woes, our foreign policyn domestic policies and the propagated social narratives. These tactics that Soros et al uses, are smoke and morrors, slight of hand techniques used to distract, rob and pilfer finances and govt power, etc etc, as Europe can attest to truthfully, which most counties that fell victim to Soros Global Thievery, they found out a little too the US will as well. I fear we shall find the same AFTER we are subjugated and economically bare and stifled to 3rd world country and communist... One doesnt have to be a conspiratorial nut to know and understand the history of mans evil to one another.. Hitler existed; Muhammad and his ideology exists; Lenin and Stalin and Mao all existed, and all these tyrants committed atrocities too evil for its modern day purveyors, ever to expose your own homework on those subjects... To normalize relations with Cuba, is like rewarding the evils of communism and islam... It is time to say no and defund any ability for the president to reward his comrades in cuba, with monies and aid...Cuba will just use that money against us somewhere down the line; like islamic/communist terrorist bases and training camps as Mexico is allowing this very day...and sadly we are as well, in our very own country under 0bama and Holder et al...
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:22:00 +0000

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