This July has been very hot ,all my senses were disturbed by - TopicsExpress


This July has been very hot ,all my senses were disturbed by scorching heat .sun seems to have played havoc with my brain .i was not able to sit at one place .air conditioning did worked only when electricity was too were just agitating hot air .this sort of heat wave in valley ,shocked me at the same time gave clear cut message that ,we have played havoc with forests. Amid this heat wave my uncle came up with a good news .he fortunately had managed a trip to inderkoot village on the banks of wular lake .in summer days wular usually shrinks but this time things were much worst .though the village we visited was surrounded by fisher men locality and wular lake there was of high depth .even that was good enough for us to enjoy. That night cold waves massaged my body and soul.spending a night around maha padam sar was awesome .never theless inder koot village was founded by the ancient king of Kashmir ,known as jaya pada.the village was his capital ,the ruins of his building are still standing tall amid tall trees .this place gave refuge to the last hindu queen of Kashmir ;kota rani who later married to shah mirza .shah mirza was a gabri turk ;founder of sultanate of shah miri kings and grand father of shahi khan /zainul abideen/budshah.later we moved to the shrine of baba shukur ud din ,where we broke our fast and later had our dinner in inder koot .indra was the loved god of Aryans ,who was also known as lord of rain and thunder .wular by the was has been known for thunder storms and torpedoes .this area once was the mutual military base of lalitya dityas army and Chinese troops ,which were all prepared to protect valley agaist arab invasion ;which although never happened in case of valley .but islam as spiritual force reached Kashmir during the reign of lalitya ditya muqtapeeda .lalit ‘s court was adored with Muslim ,arab-syrian learned men and astonishingly many Nasserites were present in his court .apart from freas air ,village food ,boat ride ,shade of cylix alba trees ,my thoughts were over welmed by the folklore and history of indra koot village .amazingly I have very uncommonly found indra used so meticulously in the poetry of indic plains as it has been used by kashmiri musalman poets .indraz ni darbar ,nagma karan chi paristano,etc,camdev the early Aryan god of vedic Aryans is found like any thing in Kashmir poetry like ,cam dev amut chu saliyey baliyey,cam devus log sarmast lolo,,camyrazik camydevo akho sharisherazo,etc.i have never found these vedic gods in dardic,shina,brokpa cultures which refer to them selves as Aryan,even their chiky faces could not hide their lie.given that shina and brokpa people has never been subjected to Turkish,mughal,pathan,Persian ,kushana ,Bactrian ,hun rule .that means it was easy for them to protect culture while as Kashmir has been the hub of Persian,kushana,hun,Bactrian ,budhist ,turk,pathan, rule yet poetry is full of vedic smell,even poets who know nothing about early yaganas of Aryans .the famous poet of valley rasool mir says ‘sitaie kari gath lolanarus balyarus path,kum geet ven ven ram karun ram nigarooo’meaning sita was over whelmed by love of rama ,and subdued him with his songs .amazingly the word jajman still is used by us all.locally jajman is referred as yezman ;one who uses service of others .kashmiri language is not pali language as or prakrit in nature as are all indo Aryan languages of north India.kashmiri is an abrogated pure indo European /Sanskrit language which got infused with local naga language of early inhabitants of valley .later it got infused with Persian a sister language of Sanskrit and to some extent Turkic words .Tibetan influence is also seen but it remains to explain whether kashmiri language has influenced it or vice versa.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 10:18:26 +0000

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