This Letter was sent to All MPs in OTTAWA through MP Elizabeth - TopicsExpress


This Letter was sent to All MPs in OTTAWA through MP Elizabeth May. SYPHILIS THEN, LYME NOW   The serious epidemic of Lyme disease is present now but not prominent in Canada because the Medical divide that exists in our association. Doctors are told that Lyme disease is a non-existent rare infection and without a proper ELISA test (which is grossly inadequate) the diagnosis of Lyme disease is being misdiagnosed. The federal government has stated that Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis and a positive lab test is beneficial but not necessary in the establishment of a diagnosis but unfortunately there are differences of thought by our peers. We have adopted the American IDSA guidelines for practicing physicians and in Canada we have adopted these guidelines without any previous discussions of having our own Canadian guidelines. We must become more educated and clinically aware of this most rapidly growing vector borne infection. Most recently, the naysayers in the United States have admitted to 300,000 cases annually up from 30,000. This would reflect automatically 30,000 (10%) as a minimum number of cases in Canada and yet only about a few hundred cases are annually repo THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN TO MP ELIZABETH MAY TO PRESENT TO ALL THE MPS IN OTTAWA SYPHILIS THEN, LYME NOW   The serious epidemic of Lyme disease is present now but not prominent in Canada because the Medical divide that exists in our association. Doctors are told that Lyme disease is a non-existent rare infection and without a proper ELISA test (which is grossly inadequate) the diagnosis of Lyme disease is being misdiagnosed. The federal government has stated that Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis and a positive lab test is beneficial but not necessary in the establishment of a diagnosis but unfortunately there are differences of thought by our peers. We have adopted the American IDSA guidelines for practicing physicians and in Canada we have adopted these guidelines without any previous discussions of having our own Canadian guidelines. We must become more educated and clinically aware of this most rapidly growing vector borne infection. Most recently, the naysayers in the United States have admitted to 300,000 cases annually up from 30,000. This would reflect automatically 30,000 (10%) as a minimum number of cases in Canada and yet only about a few hundred cases are annually reported across Canada which is extremely low and misleading. Patients are suffering needlessly, expending monies across the border and into Europe for proper treatment and diagnosis. This cannot continue and as physicians we must be more aware that the symptoms of Lyme disease which is and are being misdiagnosed. To give an example, MS in Canada is the absolute highest in the world, 240-340 cases per 100,000 and we have the lowest number of Lyme disease in the world (WHO). The big divide has led to the necessity of the legal system stepping in to protect Lyme Literate doctors. Twelve USA states have become involved since the medical profession will not openly discuss all aspects of this disease. Statutes and laws are now in place for the protection of Lyme literate physicians and their charts cannot be taken, doctors cannot be cross-examined, their licenses cannot be taken away. It is simply a matter for our profession to discuss this disease as we have with all other diseases in the world. Clinicians must include Lyme disease and co-infections in the differential diagnosis and be cognizant of all the symptoms that can occur since it is a multi-organ system failure that occurs. At the present time, patients suffer needlessly; mentally, physically and financially with the most common cause of death being suicide. The answer appears to be very simple that we must dialogue openly and regularly. On the side of being optimistic there are increasing numbers of medical doctors and naturopathic doctors treating Lyme disease. This would indicate a greater understanding and acceptance for this disease and it is hoped that this will continue with greater alacrity, education and hopefully better lab testing with mutual medical understanding by the divided physicians. There is no time for complacency. Yours truly, Dr. Ernie Murakami, MD, BA in Bacteriology and Immunology Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus University of British Columbia President, Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Ly
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:09:07 +0000

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