This Nation and its people as seen by the results of the recent - TopicsExpress


This Nation and its people as seen by the results of the recent Mid Term Elections have decided to fundamentally reject the Gender, Class and Race Warfare brought on by Progressives, Liberals, and Democrats, and to fundamentally reject President Barack Obamas agenda to implement such hostility on the people of this great nation by electing Conservatives that promised to stop the destruction of our once great nation. A couple days ago two of New Yorks Finest were savagely executed by a Muslim Terrorist that was a direct result of the race baiting brought on by the likes of Al Sharpton, New Yorks mayor Bill De Blasio and non other than Barack Obama himself all stirred up by the shooting death of a thug (Michael Brown) by a Police Officer just doing his duty in trying to protect the citizens of a town in Missouri. The new members of Congress, and the Senate who will begin their tenure next month (January 2015) were elected by the citizens of this country to stop the destruction that has been taking place since Obama has begun his fundamental transformation of our (although imperfect) once great society. With this election we sent a final message to all of those who were complicit/quiet while he and his minions were tearing apart our country.. The message sent is that We The People want it to STOP... Make no mistake We The People are closer than you think, and we are watching all of you..This is your chance to stop the evil that has infected our society.. The new majority recently elected has one chance to turn things around however if it turns out that these new members become complacent thereby allowing the destruction of our nation to continue then we will have no choice but to take matters into our own hands.. It is our duty as Americans thats it and thats all. If Obama had managed to usurp his seat while the Greatest Generation was still on its feet, no power on Earth could have prevented his being taken into custody by Constitution-defending Americans--Patriots--and interrogated before having a noose cinched snugly around his neck and the floor dropped out from beneath him. Obama is an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqiyya. Had a National Socialist, thats a Liberal-fascist or NAZI if you please, managed to criminally usurp the presidency by fraud and forgery in the 40s the way that the Islamo-fascist, thats a Muslim enemy agent practicing taqiyya, Barack Hussein, Barry Soetoro, Soebarkah, Obama.., or was it Osama?.. has managed to deceive his way into the Oval Office then members of Congress; members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; uniformed service members in the Marines, Army, the Navy, The US Army Air Corps--then US Air Force; US Coast Guard; along with the Boy Scouts of America; and yes even the Girl Scouts would have taken up arms and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue whether or not some troops might have been convinced to protect their usurper-in-chief. They would have lain down their lives for Liberty. Unfortunately many Americans today are more concerned with the American Idol show than they are with the preservation of the ability to experience the God-given Liberty that they have been so uniquely blessed by God to have had the opportunity to realize experientially under the Constitution. If these new members turn out to be like the last.. There is no doubt that Americans shall lose the blessings of Liberty afforded by their historical reverential recognition of certain truths that they once plenumously held as self-evident proportionately to the degree of their rejection of said self-evident truths; preeminently among said self-evident truths: That all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including the rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There are Americans who, unlike the many elected officials in Congress who have taken an oath to defend the Constitution, will be willing to lay down their lives in defense of the Constitution and in defense of the honor of the office of president of the United States of America. Those Patriots will be called terrorists by the Liberal-fascist.. Liberal-socialist or National Socialist.. all Socialism being National Socialism (NAZI) at the end of the day, complicit media, but if todays mainstream media was around during the Revolutionary War they would have labeled the Minutemen who mustered at the Bridge at Lexington and Concord terrorists. If todays mainstream media was around when the trains were rolling into Treblinka and Dachau they would have described what they saw as immigrant community organizing. America presently has an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqiyya illegally occupying the White House and helping his Muslim Brothers from the Hood to advance their world domination agenda. Call me a terrorist if you wish--those whose opinion I respectfully regard call me a Patriot and not because I come from New England, and a Saint, and not because I live in New Orleans, but because I have decided to follow Jesus--the Creator from whom all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights. The time for talking has nearly come to an end if these new members do not work vigorously/immediately to restore our nation, and STOP this distruction.. Remember this.. We tried to get our representatives to defend the Constitution, but instead they stood cowardly by and watched. Holding certain truths as self-evident as did our nations Founders repudiates the arguments for the toleration of any encroachment upon those truths by erroneous ideologies such as that espoused and advanced by an Islamist’s worldview which denies the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, from whom all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and evinces a design to relegate all non-Muslims to the de facto slave status of what the Muslims call the dhimmi. The self-evident Truth that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness rings familiar and true in the hearts of all those who would call themselves American. Those words are the very tintinnabulation of Liberty resounding for generations within the collective breast of We the People of the United States of America. Those words reverberate with the Spirit of 1776, the American spirit of Liberty revered and saluted symbolically in the Liberty Bell, which though cracked and silent still rings loudly in the hearts of all those who assent to the Truth that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, with certain unalienable rights; a citizenry otherwise known as We the People or Americans. The Declaration of Independence continues, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. BUT WHEN A LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES AND USURPATIONS, PURSUING INVARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT EVINCES A DESIGN TO REDUCE THEM UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR DUTY, TO THROW OFF SUCH GOVERNMENT AND TO PROVIDE NEW GUARDS FOR THEIR FUTURE SECURITY.” Call me a terrorist if you please. Merry Christmas, and may God continue to bless The United States Of America. Thomas Paine
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:01:02 +0000

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