This National Suicide Prevention Week, I have been thinking about - TopicsExpress


This National Suicide Prevention Week, I have been thinking about my mother and her beautiful life. The significance of those we have lost to suicide is not how they died, but rather how they lived. In her memory, I want to share some of my favorite facts about Mom with you. She had 5 brothers and sisters, all very close in age; her brothers played hockey and her sisters were tomboys, but Mom was a girly-girl. She loved Home Ec so much that she made it her college major. She was a seamstress and made most of my clothes, including Halloween costumes and frilly Easter dresses, as I was growing up. Mom became a nurse because her grandmother, who raised her when her own mother up and left, was a nurse as well. She worked in an ER, several doctors offices and hospitals, and for hospice. She decorated the house and sent cards for every holiday. Every. Holiday. Her favorite pastime was shopping; if it existed and you wanted it, she could find it for you. Mom was a baker and took desserts to every potluck, party, meeting, class, and event she attended. She even left cookies in her car for the mechanic when she had to take it to the shop. Her famous sugar cookies, cut out and decorated by hand in every shape imaginable, remain favorites of her closest friends, church members, and family. I have yet to be able to recreate them perfectly, because she never used the recipe when she made them. Mom lived up to the stereotype of redheads having a temper, but she loved hard as well. She wanted nothing more than for those around her to be happy, well-fed, comfortable, and taken care of. She was the strongest person I have ever known. I miss her more each day, and hope I am making her proud. #endsuicide #mymotherismyhero #memoriesneverdie
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:03:59 +0000

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