This News You Can Use from those helpful blokes at the British - TopicsExpress


This News You Can Use from those helpful blokes at the British Broadcasting System, courtesy of LifeHacker, and in response to the many requests a note be sent to those of you on FB list who deserve/ who NEED this article (You know who you are!): WHY YOU FART MORE ON AIRPLANES AND WHAT YOU CAN TO ABOUT IT: Flatulence is common when youre flying. The BBC explains the science of why we fart more on airplanes and offers some tips on reducing this discomfort and avoid being that person passing gas on the plane. First, the reason: The average person, according to the article, breaks wind 10 times a day even on the ground. This is exacerbated when were in the air: But if our flatulence on ground level passes mostly unnoticed (or is at least politely ignored) in day-to-day life, it can become something of an unwanted companion in the confines of an air cabin. Its frequency on planes is simple physics, [clinical professor Jacob] Rosenberg says. The pressure drops and the air must expand into more space. That 1 litre of gas now needs to fill a 30% bigger volume, leading to that nasty bloating feeling. This seems to be a regular problem for pilots – more than 60% report feeling regular abdominal bloating, much higher than the average for office workers. BBC notes that charcoal-lined underwear designed to absorb the odor from flatulence is one solution. Its probably more practical, though, to eat the foods that reduce flatulence before flying: fish, rice, dairy products, and strained fruit juice.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:32:11 +0000

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