This Post is based on a Chat with a Friend... OVERWHELMED...I - TopicsExpress


This Post is based on a Chat with a Friend... OVERWHELMED...I cant believe this is happening.. (Happy) You have know idea how important Shutting Down the Olympic Animal Sanctuary is to me, I have been spinning my Wheels without getting ANY attention with help to shut this place down and save these Dogs, I could not get any, very little if any help, That Wayne Parcelles or however you spell it, basically hide behind his freaken own Ass with I cant go in unless local Officials call me in, THE IDIOT!!! THEY ARE ALL FRIENDS WITH THE OWNER, STEVE MARKWELL! Theyll never call him in!! In my photo album you will see ALL those Reports, and Complaints!! UGHHH anyway I told him yeah whatever, Ill find SOMEONE with the Balls to help me help those Dogs!! So to see all of this happening, my Group has many more People joining, when for the longest time I couldnt get any one to join. I was giving up hope! And now Im so HOPEFUL!! This is just so overwhelming to see more and more red boxes popping up as profile pics! It hasnt really sunk in. its bittersweet how I feel about Sonny, I dread it if we find him there, and even more if we dont, but then again Im grateful to him, if it werent for him, Dogs Deserve Betters Red Flags wouldnt have gone up, and brought them to this Hell Hole!! And actually, physically being there is what hasnt sunk in yet, its one thing to see the inhumane living conditions that these Dogs are living in, but to actually see it, and smell, it, with my own Ears & Eyes is so out of reach to me still, I pray I raise the money, if I do get to go, I cant stay as long as Tami & Robin are, I cant stay away from my Family to long, you have no idea what I carry on my back! Because of all that I cant even have a job, so I am depending pretty much on my Tee Shirts & Sweat-Shirts getting me there. Except food and spending money thats all on me, just the Plane fair from Jersey to Washington State, and Ill need a Rent a Car, and a Hotel, after that anything I need is my responsibility. I am just…the only word to describe how I feel is Overwhelmed… I m nothing major, I have my Pages, that mean the World to me, these listed below are my 3 major Pages, I have 8 more! I dedicate most of my life to finding homes and trying to save as many Shelter Dogs as possible, I fight Animal Cruelty with my Petitions, and being very upfront and blunt when it comes to Animal Abusers of any kind, and as much as I am a Shelter Dog, and Stop Cruelty Advocate, Im a Wolf Warrior! My most favorite Animal on Mother Earth that i love more then! I have never seen one, I have had a Husky who was Fathered by a Gray Wolf and he was the most unique and beautiful creature Ive ever seen, he was hard to break of his Alfa issues, but my Husband won, and Cody adored my husband Tony. we learned real fast how different it is to raise a Dog who is part Wolf, then a regular Dog breed. Anyway, I have a friend who has a Sanctuary in Very north California, and Im going to schedule time to drive there, and see him and see his Gray Wolves, and actually be with them and be able to pet, and love on them!! This would be a dream come true, a once in a lifetime chance!! I will never make it out to the West Coast again most likely. I have to make this happen, my Husband and Family are not used to me being there 24/7 and I feel the feelings, but my Tony is realizing how much this means to me. Ill make arrangement to have my Mother in Law picked up by the Senior Citizens Bus to take her and pick her up from Dialysis 3 times a Week, and to the Blood Dr. on Wednesday, and I know my future Daughter in law will give my Squirrels their nuts and fresh Water in the Morning, and put out the Food and Water in the Shed that has a bunch of warm Blankets for my Feral Kitties that I take care of at Dusk, my Husband can take care of my Domestic Animals,. This is a once in a live time chance to be a part of something so big, that I have been climbing up Hill fighting for, something I could never have done by myself, and I couldnt ask for a better Organization to be the one to step in and do what needs to be done, and the fact that they are including me not just in the Wings, but standing WITH them! Im now going over the Top of that Hill, and I seeHOPEon the Horizon for these Dogs & Wolf Dogs that are suffering, and suffering, days keep going by, and they are still suffering, ITS ENOUGH!! Hang on Babies! Help is coming… Even just Pet Owners, and anyone who loves Animals can by a Shirt and support this Rescue effort, and join my Group listed below for no other reason but to watch us walk those Dogs out of that Hell on Earth, and past that Owner Steve Markwell on to safety!! Every Shirt I sell gets me closer to that awesome moment!! Please support us in saving these Dogs, buy a Shirt, and please Share this Post for me, you have to Copy & Paste to share this Post. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=759870760695699&set=gm.606433046088413&type=1&theater Blessings To All, DebrahAnna-Admin Shutting Down the Olympic Animal Sanctuary https://facebook/groups/581036661961385/ Stop Cruelty To Animals Wild & Domestic https://facebook/Stopcrueltytoanimalswildanddomestic A Second Chance For Shelter Animals https://facebook/ASecondChanceForShelterAnimals Save The Wolfs Of Alaska https://facebook/Savethewolvesofalaska
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 06:40:45 +0000

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