This Prayer of Lament is what I concluded our Prayers of the - TopicsExpress


This Prayer of Lament is what I concluded our Prayers of the People with at all three of our Sunday Masses yesterday. A Lamentation for Trayvon Martin, Our Nation and Ourselves Most Merciful, Compassionate and Triune God, Out of lament we cry to you "How long, O Lord, How long?" Out of our grief and our lament for the death of Trayvon Martin and this trial, we raise our hearts and our voices to you. We are called to live boldly in compassion, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to not fear but to welcome the stranger. Yet once again we have failed to do so, and so once again our legal system has found the goal of justice illusive. We pray for the Martin family in their grief and loss, and also for George Zimmerman that a spirit of remorse and compassion may pervade his heart and his family. So in our lament we pray that your healing balm shall be poured onto all our spirits, and your light shine upon the dark corners of every human heart, and to illumine the minds of those who are privileged and thus are so disconnected to the circumstances of those who are marginalized. Transform the hearts and minds of those who project their fears upon "The Other". Strengthen us in bearing witness to the power of love to triumph over the power of fear, to lay down unjust laws. Guide our hearts, our words, and our deeds so that we may live into the reality of our Baptismal promises to strive for justice and peace in creating true safe communities, where all are cherished, where strangers are made kin, where violence is put to rest by our becoming people of peace, people of the way of love. We ask this in The name of your Son Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God , now and forever. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:00:07 +0000

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