This Present Madness Perhaps you will remember a novel by Frank - TopicsExpress


This Present Madness Perhaps you will remember a novel by Frank E. Peretti published in 1986 with the title This Present Darkness. The story involved spiritual warfare engaged in by human protagonists, and pitting God’s angels against the demonic minions. It featured prayer and biblical prescription for battle as given in Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 12, in particular. the 1980s were certainly years that brought forth growing spiritual darkness on planet earth, just as has every decade since the Fall in Eden. The issues and events of that decade provided more than plentiful fodder for the fiction conjured from Peretti’s brain. Although the book dealt with and dwelled on spiritual darkness in a fictional way, the actual downward spiral of morality in America and the world during that timeframe more than matched that portrayed by the novelist. On the geopolitical level, the Soviet Union became increasingly brutal in exerting dictatorship over its East European client-states. Thus, all the while its power was degrading because of the cost of maintaining and trying to further build upon its fanatic militarism. The USSR, being totally sold out to and invested in anti-God evil, suffered the weight created by communism’s ideological gravity, which pulled freedom’s light into itself in much the same way a star in the process of going nova collapses in upon itself. The last years of the decade, geopolitically, indeed imposed a dark presence. Hatred for Israel grew in the mid-1980s as Islam’s chief terrorist organizations were found to have massive arsenals stockpiled along Lebanon’s southern border. Israel’s avowed enemies within the Arab world obviously planned an all-out assault. The Jewish state’s preemptive military action pushed back for decades the insanity that we are experiencing at present. Not only Islamist hatred, led by a nuclear-ambitious Iran, but anti-Semitism now seems an unstoppable, malignancy spreading globally by the hour. And this is where the “present darkness,” as Peretti would have it, has become “this present madness,” as is manifestly the case in so many ways. Satan is the most cunningly evil of all creatures, and brilliant in stratagem, as tracing his footprints while he, like a roaring lion, stalks back and forth, seeking whom he might devour, clearly shows. But, he is also now mad that is, insane— provable by truth found in God’s Word: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28a). The old serpent, the devil, who is the father of lies and hates any thought of God, has a mind that is totally incapable of seeing things as they really are. His thinking is upside down, and incorrigibly wicked. Proof that he is mad–insane— is found in the fact that he knows the Creator of all things is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. God cannot lie, and absolutely knows the end from the beginning–in each and every, excruciatingly minute detail. Yet, knowing that God has foretold Satan’s ultimate destiny–that he will burn eternally in the lake of fire—Satan still thinks he will be victorious and escape his fate. That is the supremely arrogant, essence of madness. This luciferian madness is more infectious than Ebola or any of the most such diseases one could name. Its effects, I contend, are seen most observably by considering, again, the number-one signal of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline. I’m referring to the nation Israel, and to God’s chosen people, the Jews. Specifically, I’m talking about the Christian church–a broad, evangelical, portion of which has adopted or is in process of adopting the anti-Semitism that is metastasizing throughout the world at present. Despite God’s plain declaration that those who curse the progeny of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will suffer curses of eternal consequences, a vast number of pastors and their church bodies are taking up the rant of Palestinianism, which holds, basically, that modern Israel has no claim to God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These church leaders and their regimes that support Israel’s enemies’ right to the land God granted the Jews claim that Israel, in its modern incarnation, is illegitimate and an intruder. In this way they are falling into the same satanic trap into which the people of Hitler’s Germany fell. This is, in my view, madness that is much darker than the darkness Mr. Peretti portrayed in his best-selling novel. It is madness that is swiftly bringing upon the world what will be the greatest judgment ever experienced by those who defy the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. True believers in the Lord Jesus Christ–who was virgin-born a Jew, ministered and did miracles as a Jew, who died on the cross and resurrected as a Jew for the salvation of all who will believe—should immediately leave any church that harbors this anti-Semitism. This same Jewish Lord of all lords and King of all kings is coming again to rule and reign on the throne of David. It will be a Jewish throne! __ Terry James
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:07:22 +0000

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