This Saturday I went to the 42nd “Annual Ruidoso Art Festival” - TopicsExpress


This Saturday I went to the 42nd “Annual Ruidoso Art Festival” held at the Ruidoso Convention Center. First held in 1971 as an outdoor “Tent” show, the “Ruidoso Art Festival” has evolved into an annual event. This year it boasts to have over 120 artists from across this nation, attracting thousands of fine art enthusiasts. And this year, it attracted me! I got there early and zigzagged down each row looking for pieces that attracted me, because of their beauty or because they were different. I was able to sit and talk with 25 of the participating artists, sharing ideas, techniques or just plain shooting the bull! I didn’t get the chance to visit with any more, because the ones that I did, said they were enjoying my company and didn’t want me to leave? They made me feel welcome, so I stayed a little longer. I gave suggestions to those that asked for my opinion and I received answers to those questions that I asked of them. I came across an artist that was giving free lessons of his painting technique. I watched with enthusiasm as the small crowd gathered there, did as well, and after he finished selling his DVDs and answered questions, it was him and I discussing the use of color. He talked about structure and proven techniques found in his work and I talked about the simplicity in mine. Before I left, he said I had the gift and thought I should do some Instructional DVDs and make some extra money. I told him, I was still perfecting my technique and would certainly think about doing that in the near future. He then gave me his instructional DVDs for free? When I offered to pay, he refused, just asking for a copy of mine! I be-bopped here and there and came across an artist with a large easel doing a demonstration on a small canvas. He asked me if I painted. I told him I did. “I thought so.” he said. “Want to join me?” He set up a small canvas for me and I did. When we were done, we both enjoyed the round of applause we received, answered a few questions, making sure he took the lead, signed our paintings and sold them on the spot! He kept on selling, we talked about getting together sometime and talk about art. He invited me to his studio and I promised to go visit him sometime later this year. I left, searching for something different and met with a lady artist that has a story behind every painting she does. It is typed and plastic protected at the back of every one of her paintings. I told her I thought it was a good idea and she told me I was welcome to use it. I asked questions, a crowd gathered listening to her answers and her stories. She started selling, we said our goodbyes, promised to get together and off I went to a couple on the next row that looked somewhat disillusioned? They were not attracting too many people; they were both good artists, but needed a few lessons in salesmanship, so I went over and started talking to them. First asking questions about them and their art and then once I made them feel comfortable; I talked to them about presentation and the fine art of salesmanship! Before long I started telling them stories, about this, that and the other, making them laugh so hard, they started attracting people to their art display, all wondering what was so funny? It was me, of course! We invited the crowd in, they showed their work and I mingled, all the while making the potential customers feel welcome and happy. They sold about one fourth of their paintings and offered to pay me a commission. I refused, telling them I had a good time and that was payment enough? There is the 10th Annual, “Alto Artists Studio Tour” coming up and they are going to be participating. They invited me to come join them in their home and help them “Entertain” their guests. I told them, that I am not an “Entertainer” by trade and couldn’t possibly do it? “You are a natural entertainer.” She said. “All you have to do is mingle, make them feel comfortable and tell your funny stories as you see fit?” “I’ll think about it.” I said, trying to remember any prior commitments, that coming week. Then her partner said, “We’ll pay you ten percent!”
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 02:20:37 +0000

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