This Saturday November 1st will see the return of our YES stall to - TopicsExpress


This Saturday November 1st will see the return of our YES stall to Stirling town centre. We’ve had a few false starts but – like the rest of the country – we’re picking ourselves up and starting to organise for the next campaign. The plan at the moment is to hold the YES stall monthly along with the market. Our main focus this Saturday will be a food/household items collection for the Start-Up Stirling ( ) We can’t take cash donations so please do drop by for a chat and if you can bring a bag of essentials along too it would be very much welcomed by those who are currently in need. Here is a list of things that will make a difference to those struggling at the moment Weve found little opposition in the town to the continuing promotion of an independent Scotland and this is the same for other YES stalls throughout the country. Only 1 or 2 people have made a passing derogatory comment (presumably they voted NO) to those volunteers manning the SSP and SNP stalls. So far I havent noticed any of them who are willing to stop and engage. Perhaps thats because they know that voting NO did nothing to help the people of Scotland and are unable to give any good reason as to why it was the “right result”. Isnt it odd that the Scottish Labour party - who were behind much of the lies and fear-mongering but got the result they were campaigning for - have lost their leader and gone into meltdown while the pro-indy parties have enjoyed a MASSIVE surge in membership?! If it was the right result youd expect the opposite to be true! Its like adding 1 + 1 and getting 3! Instant Karmas gonna get you John Lennon said, he was right! Lets hope it carries all the way to the ballot box next May! And according to today’s news, it could be a night to remember. I’ll be sitting with a huge bag of popcorn anyway! :) On the other hand, theres been some great positive chats with YES folk at the stalls. I dearly hope that this positive energy will win out in the time to come. With the state of the country being what it is and the HUGE disappointment of the referendum result, we NEED something good to happen. So please drop by and see us at the stall with anything you can bring to contribute to the collection. Cheers folks, look forward to seeing you! Greg
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:31:45 +0000

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