This Shabbat my menstrual flow came! I decided to use this cycle - TopicsExpress


This Shabbat my menstrual flow came! I decided to use this cycle through my body as a way to grieve the passing of Reb Zalman. It feels amazing to have a physical symbol for this. In a moment of rest, I remembered that one of my most precious memories from our Rebbe is when he taught me the potent melody for Perek Gimel of Eicha- the book of Lamentations which we read every year on Tisha Bav. This is the darkest most sad piece of writing in our scripture. It discusses the horrors that happened with the destruction of the Temple and inspires a state of grief and loss- comparing the time to a menstruating woman in Niddah. While traditionally Niddah was seen as a taboo, it can be a beautiful thing! Reb Zalman shared with me the importance of marking times of loss and the healing and transformations that can come with real weeping. He shared with me how this was a sacred role that women would play in the Jewish community in ancient times. He honored the significance of rooting this natural cycle in the female body and allowing physicality to be a light reminder of the basic human rhythm. He encouraged me to always embrace my full experience and to allow support and love for that. Blood can truly be a force of reconnection. Thank you Reb Zalman for encouraging me to embrace the full spectrum of life. Thank you for showing that we can always bring light even into the greatest places of darkness. Thank you for teaching me the significance of mourning, the role that laments play in healing, and inspiring me to honor and share the sacredness of the natural rhythms of the Hebrew Year and my body. Thank you for seeing and loving me- for loving and embracing all of us. I love you. I could hear you laughing with us at Eden Village on Shabbat! I know you are so very much here. Sent from my iPhon
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:37:40 +0000

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