This Spark has been posted before. I love it. Love David - TopicsExpress


This Spark has been posted before. I love it. Love David Spark of the Day! I am a single mother who has left a very abusive relationship after 10 years. That is not the story I want to tell you about. I have five children and they are the love of my life. They range in age from 17 to 4. We have been struggling a lot financially because their father will not pay child support. For some time now I have been in a poor, poor me attitude. My daughter came home one day from school and said that her life had been changed today. I asked her why and she lit up like a Christmas tree when she started to tell me about a guest speaker who came to her school today. She told me all about the One Spark Foundation and their mission to change the world 1 Spark at a time. She asked me if we could start doing Sparks for other people and I said no because no one has been there to help us. She smiled and said OK and told me that I was her favorite mother in the whole world. About a week later I was called into the living room for a family meeting. They had the little one start the meeting by saying we need to be nice because the baby Jesus wants us to be. Then one by one each of my children got up and told why they wanted to do Sparks for other people. The last to speak was my oldest daughter and as I sat and listened to her I felt as though I was in court listening to a brilliant lawyer. When she finished she asked if I was with them or against them. I told them I was in. We started doing little things for people like baking a pie or cleaning up their yards. We also started our own One Spark pit crew. We practiced changing tires in our driveway. Then we would go out and help people on the streets. We asked a local printed if they would donate cards for us and he did. Then one day we found out that a lady who owned most of the town that we lived in had broken her hip and no one would help her because she was so nasty. We decided that we would go and take her a few things and ask if we could help out any other way. We started helping her and it seemed as though no one wanted to stay for very long and help her because she was meaner than a rattle snake. I found out that I would be losing my job at the end of the month and I was very scared about what we were going to do. We went to visit miss nasty on Monday and the little one told her son that I was losing my job. He approached me about working for his mom full time. I told him that I did not know if I could handle her nasty attitude. He told me that his mother looked forward to our family visits. He asked me how much money that I would need to take the job and I told him what I was making at my current job and he said he would not be able to pay me that. I started to say something and he said I will pay this amount. The amount was 2.5 times more than I making. I asked him why he would pay that much and he told me that is what they were paying the service that sent out the other people. I started to cry and told him again that it will not matter how nasty she gets I will do my job until she is well. I have been at work with her for 5 months and have had to read the One Spark site a lot. I have really been down on myself for getting nasty with her a few times and then I continue to read when Dave posts when he fails and that gave me the strength to keep on keeping on. One day my whole family was at miss nasty’s house and the little one went into her room and work her up. She was mad and started to yell and this is when the most amazing thing happened. Her son and I met in the hallway outside her door when we heard my daughter telling her what she thought of her attitude. She told her that she was so mean that she needed her mouth washed out with soap, a spanking and to be put in time out. She told her how she hurt her feelings and she was just not nice and she did not want to play with her any more. What we heard next shocked her son and me so much that we stood there for over three minutes while the two of them spoke. Helen told my daughter that she was sorry and did not want her to stop playing with her. My daughter told her that if they were going to be able to play with each other she would have to tell everyone she was sorry. SO the next day Helen called me into her room and asked if I would call her son and ask him to pick up my children after school and bring them to the house. When they arrived she called each one of us into her room one by one and said she was sorry for how she treated us. Her son was the last one into the room and he was in there for over an hour. When he came out I could tell he had been crying and I asked if he was alright. He told me that he had never been better. He said she said she was so sorry for how she had treated him all these years. Well Helen got better and on the way to her last doctor visit I told her that it had been great working for her and I told her I was going to miss her. She looked at me funny and asked if I had gotten a better job and I said no. She said good, because she still needed me and my family. She told me that I needed to think about moving my family into her home because she was going to need a lot more help. Yes she has a big house. Love a grateful Spark Giving Family
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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