This Story is almost funny. They will be laughing all the way to - TopicsExpress


This Story is almost funny. They will be laughing all the way to our Graves, unless they decide to turn US all to Ash, like many of the Forgotten Victims on 9/11. Does, anyone think, that is funny? Anyone still believing the Official Story of 9/11 must be deaf, dumb, and blind. But, mostly dumb. How does if feel? Like A Rolling Stone, the Story of my crazy Life, being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. When, you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I have been called much worse then dumb, people can call me crazy, but I believe I will be called Right in The End. Which could be today, the Ruling Evil Royal War Pig Banker Hypocrites, may not want to wait until tomorrow. Anyone willing and able to Pull off 9/11, and Wars, is willing and able to Pull off anything and everything. Including, The End, at least for US. To solve a crime, follow the money. I believe the Evil Royals behind our Funny Money, are behind 9/11, and Oil Wars in the Name of God. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the Plan, of a New World Order, in motion. The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was Promised. The People must stand and demand The Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. I believe they all lead, to the death, of all of US. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. I believe we are under the Rule of the Secret Societies of the New World Order. I believe everything that JFK warned US about in his Secret Society Speech, over 50 years ago, is Ruling our Nation today. Also, ruining it, for all of US. Find, The Truth on 9/11, and I believe we will have found The Truth on the Assassination of JFK. Same, Royal Plot, different day. Whats next? A Nuclear Bomb? Who Knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The Ruling Royal Family of Liars. JFK, is still known as, The Last President To Tell The Truth. Thats over 50 years, of half Truths, and full out Lies coming from our Presidents. They are under Oath and we must hold our current so-called President, Whats His Name born in Who Knows Where, to it. Is, Obama Nation, being Led into the Abomination of Desolation? Stand now, or forever hold our peace, as in RIP. Silence, is consent, and can be deadly. Its, Now or Never, Do or Die Time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. The Truth or The End. Our, choice. See my entire Facebook Page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:16:40 +0000

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