This Sunday is the third Sunday in Lent. Jesus is traveling from - TopicsExpress


This Sunday is the third Sunday in Lent. Jesus is traveling from Judea to Galilee and has to go through Samaria. (John 4:5-42). He is thirsty and stops by the Sychar city well where he engages a woman in conversation. Jesus seems to know way too much about her marital history. In his pastoral way, Jesus confronts the woman about her lifestyle. John recounts this conversation in detail. It is the longest recorded conversation between Jesus and another person in the gospels. Jesus had to work pretty hard to connect with this woman and along the way she began to think that this was not just another day at the well and he was not just another man with a good pickup line. When the disciples interrupted the conversation, she took off to the city and invited the people to come confirm her suspicions (and hopes?). Then, as John says, Many Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the womans testimony. It kind of reminds us of what Jesus told us last week that he came not to condemn but to save the world. If the people of Samaria could wrap their brains around that, why is it so hard for us to live like we believe it? See you this Sunday. Bring a friend. Better yet, bring a Samaritan. Blessings. Lee forward to a frien
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:40:56 +0000

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