This.. This is why our union of kingdoms is doomed. No matter what - TopicsExpress


This.. This is why our union of kingdoms is doomed. No matter what the result is after Sept 18th the United Kingdom is finished, and with it the last of the British Empire. In reality its death warrant was signed way back when Scotland voted Yes/Yes to devolution, and even up until a year ago it was still a slow burner. But now, even in the unlikely event of the referendum campaign ending with a no vote at least 50% of Scotland (because lets face it if No wins there will only be 1, at most 2% in it) want to be free of westminster politics, want to decide their own fate, ran their own affairs - and not one positive, credible argument has been made in favour of staying within the UK. Weve been told Banks are leaving - good riddance, they are a bunch of thieves and charlatans more interested in 6 figure bonuses and lining their own coffers - we really should have taken note of what Iceland did with its bad debt banks that brought their country to its knees - let them go bust and jail the directors, not reward them with bonuses and a bail out. Weve also been told the oil is running out.. Yes it is! three things I can assure you of in life right now - death, taxes and oil running out.. eventually. But if Scotland only has 20 years of oil left, thats not too bad - we can save some money from that in an oil fund perhaps. However if we stick with the UK that oil still runs out in 20 years, just Scotland doesnt get any of the profits from it - I know what Id rather have! Finally, why do you think our imperial masters have hurriedly come up to Scotland to shore up the appalling no campaign? Why has the BBC moved from state broadcaster to openly state propaganda? Why has the government whipped banks and big business into shape to threaten us with price hikes and losses if we vote to take charge of our own affairs? Its simple - Scotland is an asset to the UK. Thats why the markets are jittery - because the uk government was so sure that we wouldnt want to get rid of the corruption that they havent even made a contingency plan for dealing with the plunge off the debt cliff when we leave. They cant allow us to leave. Who would pay for the 10% pay increase for MPs? who would pay for an ever increasing unelected house of lords? Who would pay for the UK to pretend to still be a world player - aircraft carriers that have no serviceable aircraft to fly from their decks? A nuclear deterrent that needs replacing at a cost of billions while ordinary people suffer cuts. And it wont just be on those on benefits who suffer - the tories have already stated that they will hold a referendum on withdrawal from the EU - A move some might like, I doubt any of Nissans workers, or numerous workers fro financial companies based in London will be impressed as these companies has already stated they will move from the UK to other member states if the country votes to leave the EU. The tories have also stated that they will abolish the minimum wage and withdraw from the European human rights act. You might not be so happy when your current employer changes your contract to a zero hour one (sorry no way to fight it as the unions have little power to actually do anything these days) or if you wont accept then you find your £20k per year position filled by a workfare scheme employee who works a 36 hour week just for state benefits at no cost to your employer. Dont delude yourself - Labour isnt getting into power - they voted WITH the tories to bring in tory austerity cuts. After 2015 you will wake up to find a right-wing dream team of Boris Johnson and farage running the UK. We have a chance to escape whats coming, to refuse to be sheep and be lead into a right-wing nightmare. And with Scotlands loss we also give hope to the politically disengaged in the North of England and Wales that anything is possible - and they no longer need to settle for a government forced upon them.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:29:28 +0000

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