This Truly is ...the Darkest Evil of our Times in the 21st Century - TopicsExpress


This Truly is ...the Darkest Evil of our Times in the 21st Century ..while all the Forces of what`s Good and Moral - America are held in Check by our President ..We are doing Pin prick Militarily ineffective, symbolic Air Strikes (destroying Buildings and Trucks not killing the Enemy ) This whole half-hearted U.S. Military Airpower Campaign is only being Pursued for Political Reasons( the Public Opinion Polls) till the Fall`s November 2014 Election..after that as President Obama has prove Time and again in Iraq and Afghanistan,Libya and Syria ..this President because of his Rigid Anti-War,Anti-interventionist,Ideology ..With America withdrawing from the World Stage,as the World Policeman ...This former Political Science College Professor in his scholarly Psyche doesn`t have the Stomach for the tough moral Fight ..So the World`s only surviving Super Power is virtually standing by while thousands upon thousands of Innocent,Men,Women and Children both Christians & Muslims-are being gruesomely slaughtered in the worst Holocaust and Murder rampage since The Dark Ages of The Crusades We as a Nation could now quickly squash this Terrorist Nation of Isis ,and the Bloodbath happening in Kobane ..But President Obama fiddles,giving speeches (as Caesar Nero did),while Kobane Burns in a Hell ..with all those poor innocent human Souls..***History records in the late 1930 when the World was faced with a similar Evil of Hitler and the Nazis .. As Great Britain(with the weak,naive Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ) & always cowardly Europe (with a sidelined Isolationist America)The moral Great Nations of the Time appeased and capitulated to Germany and Japan`s Invasions of free sovereign Nations with their Imperialist Territorial Expansionism..The Result was World War II,the Jewish Holocaust ..and the innocent slaughter of thousands of innocent Frenchmen,Russians,Poles and the Concentration Camps and Gas Chambers ,internment for all political dissidents People of Eastern Europe in a slow Death by Starvation and wicked Medical Experimentation on Prisoners ...Like ISIS now - Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930s were a Grotesque Evil that only grew in Power & Strength with grand aims of Germany,Italy and Japan to take over The World ..Just as the Islamic Jihad and their dream of a united Islamic Caliphate Nation (as once was in their Arab History) They seek to conquer the Middle East and spread it abroad like Cancer on the World ..Exporting like Ebola ,a Terrorist Infection on the Free World Today....History will Morally Judge Us,In Our 21st Century Times, just as Final Judgement was passed on a weak Europe in the 1930s ..Do We as a Nation have the Moral strength,a courage of our Convictions ,fighting for Freedom ..And a strong President of good moral character (As a Lincoln,Roosevelt, or JFK ) a Leader of the World To confront this strong Arab Terrorist threat of ISIS ) The World is looking for American Leadership our generous qualities of our Country`s Exceptionalism..We need a truly strong, decisive Leader,a Man or Woman of deep Passion in our American President for this Moral Righteous fight ..(not a on the sidelines bystander College Professor of theoretical Academics ..Real living History of this breathing Moment is not found in the dusty Pages of a Political Science Book.. or casually unemotionally given in College Seminar or Lecture ) The Stakes for the World are Too High For,what happened to America,in New York on 9/11/2001, and Boston(at the Marathon) will be happening here again and again ..major Bombing and Mass killings all over the World..It may continue to happen throughout this what (may to be )The World Century of Political Terrorism if America Fails.. or Looses It Heart this Historic Moment of our Moral Duty as a Super Power
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:05:14 +0000

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