This Universe could be just re-expanded from previous big bangs or - TopicsExpress


This Universe could be just re-expanded from previous big bangs or from a pinching off from another Universe. Just because a Universe exists does not mean that something living made it. See, nothing organic has the power to create the very things that make up what the living thing is made of before time allowed that process of life to come forth. Its backwards logically. It makes so much sense when you realize the simple fact that life itself can exist in other regions separated by vast distances in the Universe. I personally think that the only reason that some humans created god as an idea is that they thought they were special in the Universe. They took their human attributes and flung them out into space in a thought process of saying hey maybe there is a god and he must look like us so maybe it created us in his image and this god must be human like in appearance and have personality because we do he must judge us like we judge because thats what us humans do so surely there must be a being that made this unknown immensity of time and space even though the notion of conscious creation in itself is far more meaningless sounding than a tremendously deep stretch of Cosmic fabric in which the radiation and the gas and dust and the heat all work in synergy to condense via gravity into galaxies within clusters and within those galaxies the stars billions of them in each galaxy. Amidst these stars there are always stars dying and one must think of the chances of some of these stars to go supernova in their death allowing a distribution of stellar birthing material from which more stars can birth. With the dust and gas that has been left over from the early Universe and the particles orbiting one another the chaos of movement trying to order itself from complex into simple brings about bombardment which while chunks of space rock clump together amidst these collisions in space you sometimes get big enough masses to become a planet where the centers can remain hot enough to allow for magnetism and thermal heat within the core. As the planets finally come about we are left with this beautiful orchestra of planetary orbit of celestial bodies orbiting around their parent star. Not all planets orbiting a star however are able to have suitable conditions for reactions to bring life about on their surface. You still have some stars with planets too close and some too far. It Is the planets just far enough away and close enough that the star does not burn that planet and that planet does not freeze over. Earth is an example of this precise habitability zone. You could have a red giant with planets orbiting around it but a planet within that orbit happens to be far enough away that it is not affected by the dangerous levels of heat and close enough to get enough of that heat to have chemical to biological reactions happen on that particular planet. The variables are numerous. In this sense we are no more special than any other planet suitable for life. There could be other life forms in other regions of the Universe with perhaps different belief systems that also reflect their preoccupation with their own identities and the ability for one to take ones own characteristics and throw it out into the Universe as if that can explain the diversity of life. When you look out into the Cosmos you are looking back in time. I think thats mesmerizing in itself. The poetry of reality does not need a living creator to signify its already apparent qualities. It has been around for close to 14 Billion years. Its been here long before life could have ever been possible. You should thank the Universe we are here and the stars that came about from the Universal properties but to Anthropomorphize time and space or to put something with living qualities and eject it into something non living and very astronomical is absurd and irrational.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:00:13 +0000

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