This Washington Post article, of a few days ago, is yet another - TopicsExpress


This Washington Post article, of a few days ago, is yet another example of the complete dysfunction inside the Obama Administration. There have been a number of similar articles and insider reports that tell the tale of chaotic working conditions, a lack of leadership and in many cases an uncertainty, by some senior officials, as to exactly what the real mission is of their particular department. Congressional lawmakers have often commented on the complete disconnect between the president and congress, a complain that comes from both republicans as well as the presidents own party members. Some may recall something I wrote, aA short time ago, about the high turn-over rate of cabinet members of the Obama Administration. At the time, the administration was on track to have twice as many cabinet member turn overs as any other administration dating back to Kennedy. The Obama Administration could in fact have double the cabinet member turn-over rate of any president, I just ended my search at JFK. The situation of dealing with ISIS is certain to create a casualty list of senior level advisors and maybe even a cabinet member or two as there is a complete disconnect between the Pentagon and the White House, with President Obama all but ignoring all advise being provided to him by his military advisors and instead trying to save face where ideology has failed him instead of aggressively dealing with the ISIS threat. There are also those that are loyal to the Democratic Party and are holding on until after the mid-term elections are over in November before clearing their desk and seeking out greener pastures. Mark my word, personnel issues within the Obama Administration are going to get significantly worse before they get better, assuming they ever get better. washingtonpost/politics/top-level-turnover-makes-it-harder-for-dhs-to-stay-on-top-of-evolving-threats/2014/09/21/ca7919a6-39d7-11e4-9c9f-ebb47272e40e_story.html
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:20:55 +0000

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