This Week Active Mars moves into Sagittarius - TopicsExpress


This Week Active Mars moves into Sagittarius September 13th for a six week tour. This invokes humor and light hearted exchanges as well as feeds creative projects. Those in the creative fields may have found themselves with a bit of writers block so to speak , will flourish during this time fame. There may also be a bit of foot and mouth disease arriving with this energy so make sure you think before you speak. Make the best of this breath offresh air energy arriving during this time, Enjoy. Aries A lucky break comes your way this week with finance. Take advantage of this aspect and except this opportunity graciously. Your hard work and determination is beginning to pay off now. Midweek provides a surprise meeting with someone from your past. You feel yourself headed back in time and emotionally nostalgic. Take a moment to acknowledge your progress up to this point in time Aries. Taurus Romantic aspects can be a bit confusing at the beginning of this week. It appears someone is trying to make up for lost time. Your personal emotions regarding this issue may have gone quiet at this time. It may appear that you cant really get back what has been lost. Try not to placate another until you know exactly where you stand. Time will tell Taurus. Gemini A fresh start and a brand new beginning arrives this month. The recent changes you have made begin to pay off at this time. You feel as though the recent past heartaches are just a blur and something really big will arrive shortly. Make a list of your goals, dreams and ambitions and watch them arrive one by one Gemini. Cancer Travel is indicated at this time and a much needed break arrives to sooth your nerves. Try not to push too much into a small time frame. Go slow and make every moment count. You will find your self begin to unravel at this time. Romance begins to flourish as well. Make sure you let another know how you feel Cancer. Leo You need to stand your ground regarding a personal issue with family shortly. Dont sit on this until you are so worked up, the only way to navigate around it is with aggression. Then your words will only fall upon deaf ears. This is a lesson in diplomacy for you. You can do this without coming across as a lion or lioness. Communication is key Leo. Virgo Financial and emotional restrictions are lifted this week . You can breath a huge sigh of relief and begin to enjoy this simple things in life again. Family and friends have been waiting for you come come out of your shell. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize this week, take advantage of these connections and emotional support. All eyes are on you Virgo. Libra Youve made it past another huge hurdle, instead of seeing the glass half empty perhaps you could try to see the glass half full. You maybe subconsciously trying to punish yourself from past emotional issues and situations. This will only stand in your way of progress. No matter what you have done in the past? Your entitled to a life filled with opportunities just like everyone else Libra. Scorpio Romantic elements are swarming around you now. Your able to pick and choose from some very positive options. Try not to make a decision until you have properly interviewed all of the candidates. Once you explore your options you may find a diamond in the rough along the way Scorpio. Sagittarius You are in need of a break so that you can restructure your long term goals. The constant negative chatter from another may have caused an unknown negative affect on you as well. Once your able to connect with your own inner voice you can see things in a different light. A job opportunity arrives from an unexpected source Sag. Capricorn You can finally get back on track with your personal life this week. It feels as though everyone has taken a chunk out of you and you have had nowhere to turn for peace and quiet. Travel is indicated at this time. You can recharge your batteries and come back refreshed and ready for business. Exercise and physical activity keep your head clear Cap. Aquarius Opportunities for financial gain arrive during this lunar cycle. Take advantage of self employed or self contracted side projects that align as a result of a collaboration with another of like mind. Romantic opportunities will arrive at this time as well. For those of you in a relationship you will experience deeper level of commitment. Strike while the irons hot Aquarius. Pisces The full Moon in your sign September 9th tends to open new doors for you as well as enlighten your intuitive sense to the extremes. This is a wonderful awakening, your all too familiar with it. Yet its something you may have put on the back burner for quite a while now. This time you will be able to harness it and utilize it for the greater good of all Pisces, Enjoy.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:21:26 +0000

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