This Week @ The Oasis At Carr Mill Mall OasisCarrboro Monday - TopicsExpress


This Week @ The Oasis At Carr Mill Mall OasisCarrboro Monday October 6 7:00-8:00pm SQ21: Spiritual Intelligence – Your Path to Successful Living” with Rosemary Hyde, co-minister of Unity Center Of Peace You’ve heard of Emotional Intelligence, which is far more important in predicting life success than IQ. Now, recently published, after 15 year of scientific research, comes the advanced level, “SQ21.” Spiritual Intelligence has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with your inner clarity on goals and on how you find peace and wisdom in bringing them to be. Come learn the basic concept and dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence and how it can help in your career, relationships, and personal well being. This Fall, Unity Center of Peace will focus classes and a series of talks and workshops on learning Spiritual Intelligence for anyone interested in becoming more skilled in these important life skills. Tuesday October 7 7:00-8:00pm A Shamanic Journey Through the Chakras: The Root Chakra Join Shaman and sound therapist Daran Wallman as he guides you on a journey to open and balance your bodies energy channels. This is a seven class series focusing on the 7 major chakras. You will learn how to use your own voice with intention and direction to help yourself heal. Daran will be using the didgeridoo, giving you the opportunity to have a firsthand experience of the unique healing ultrasound vibrations and tonal frequencies of this ancient Shamanic tool. For more information about Daran, please visit his Healing Planet Meditation Wednesday Oct 8 7:00-8:00pm A Healing Meditation For The Planet guided by Barbara Janeway This is an action through prayer gathering, in which we begin with a centering journey into the love in our hearts. Then we name the planetary issues that concern us and follow with a period of silent meditation, in which each person can meditate or pray in their own way. Together we are creating a strong field of intention and holding love for the Earth and for all of us beings who live here.~~Barbara has been a teacher of individualized art classes for many years. She has led workshops in the art of sacred mandalas and she participates in Authentic Movement Dance, Re-evaluation Co-counseling, and meditation. She feels that a very useful action we can do at this time in our human evolution is to meditate and pray together about affairs in our world. Thursday October 9 7:00-8:30pm Qigong - Microcosmic Orbit with Steve Peterson The Microcosmic Orbit is a very old practice that serves to unify and balance all energy centers in your body into a flowing whole. It was the first practice I learned and cured my insomnia within a week. We will learn to move energy around the microcosmic orbit using both movement and guided intention/meditation. Friday October 10 7:00-9:00pm FREE! Movies That Matter/Spiritual Cinema I AM I AM is the story of a man who had it all until something happened to make him realize he might have it all…wrong. After a near-death experience, Hollywood film director Tom Shadyac (Ace Ventura) decided to spark a conversation around two rarely asked questions: what’s wrong with our world and what can we do about it? And so Shadyac traveled the globe interviewing today’s greatest thinkers. And while he may have been filming a documentary, his film reveals a plot twist straight out of a blockbuster movie: scientific proof that we are all connected. By the final scene, it’s clear that while he started out asking what’s wrong with our world, he ended up discovering what’s right with it. Saturday October 11 7:30-9:00pm Memoirs of an Ex-Hippie: Seven Years in the Counterculture FREE A one-man play by author and Oasis founder Robert Roskind, author of the book. it is set the music of the era! The counterculture of the 60s and 70s has been viewed as everything from naive to hedonistic. However, most of these views were formed by observing the movement from the outside. Memoirs of an Ex-Hippie offers a vastly different perspective, one developed from within. After graduating college in 1968, Robert Roskind hit the road for seven years. Roskinds travels lead him into the heart of the counterculture--to Esalen Institute, Tassajara Hot Springs, Big Sur, Vancouver Island, the communes of Oregon and North Carolina, Altamont Pop Festival, Mt. Shasta, the Haight-Ashbury and the motherland--Northern California. His personal odyssey, sometimes profane and funny, sometimes profound and serious, reveals this tumultuous era as a cultural and spiritual renaissance that birthed many of the solutions to problems humanity now faces. Sunday October 12 1pm-6pm Open with great food and drink and a relaxing vibe!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 14:30:14 +0000

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