This Woman Abandoned a Dog at a Train Station Because He Didn’t - TopicsExpress


This Woman Abandoned a Dog at a Train Station Because He Didn’t Look Like His Picture … What?! 2.8kTOTAL SHARES January 9, 2015 ONEGREENPLANETBUZZ MONSTER Kai, the shar-pei mix, made news this past week because of the terrible way he was treated. This sweet and affectionate pup was left tied up at the train station in Scotland. The dog was abandoned, tied to a railing, with a suitcase containing some dog food and other doggy essentials. Animal welfare experts say that the dog’s caretakers could face a lifetime ban from keeping animals after this incident because the U.K. has a law making it illegal to abandon animals. Animal lovers across the world went crazy. Some felt that Kai’s guardian must have been in a bad situation and did what they thought was best for the dog. Others felt that, under no circumstance, should a dog be left the way Kai was. Well, now the truth has come out and we finally have a face to associate with this poor dog’s situation. He Didnt Look Like the Picture, So This Woman Abandoned the Poor Dog at the Train Station Meet Fin Rayner, a 39 year old mother, who left Kai tied up at the train station. Her ridiculous description of the chain of events does no good in her effort to regain the public’s approval. According to Rayner, she saw an ad for Kai, who’s former name was Pluto, on Gumtree (the website Kai was sold on by his first family) and wanted to adopt him. When she arrived at the station to pick the dog up, Kai’s original caretaker was there. But … Kai was not the dog who she had seen pictured online, so naturally she reasons, because Kai didn’t look like what she had imagined, there was no need to inconvenience herself with his care. But, she asked his caretaker if she could take him for a walk anyways, to give him a test run… “I said I wanted to take the dog for a walk, so he asked me for £150 as a deposit in case I didn’t come back,” stated Rayner. “Then I saw him tearing off in his car. I phoned and said “You better come back for your dog”. He never turned up.” Rayner claims that Kai was pulling on the leash and “peeing everywhere,” so she did the obvious thing … she abandoned him. “I thought that it wasn’t my dog – I didn’t want him,” she stated. When Rayner went to the train station, she had the intention to pick up a dog to adopt. You would think she would have had more compassion for the animal than to just leave him. This thoughtless action proves that she should never have been allowed to adopt a pet in the first place. And, thanks to the U.K.’s abandonment law, she may never be allowed to have an animal again. Kai has been with at least two families in his short life, being sold from one irresponsible pet parent to the next. He was abandoned by not one, but two, inconsiderate people at that train station. Through it all, this handsome boy has kept his sweet demeanor and happy outlook. Since his story went viral, people from all over the world have contacted the Scottish SPCA, offering to adopt the dog. It sounds like Kai had a rough start to life, but is going to be treated like the amazing boy he is from hear on out.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:01:35 +0000

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