This “Word Crimes” video (a brilliant parody of Robin - TopicsExpress


This “Word Crimes” video (a brilliant parody of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”), is aimed toward the foolish man behind the long, wordy text I received on Christmas night, replete with a VEILED THREAT (as some are aware from when I had gone to the police). To the maniac himself, I have some things to say... This little manifesto of mine is my way of saying NO MORE because I’ve learned you’re merely an angry man to be pitied and prayed for more than feared, some of which is to be determined by your actions—and (in)actions. Many times I pray to God in hopes Ill find within me that steadfast strength which allows me to search for the good in another person when it’s not readily apparent, especially when I’m being protective of others or when Ive been wronged personally. My kindness, however, should not be mistaken for weakness once my naiveté has been lifted. Its been over a year after your arrest—one very long year during which time you apparently put on a show to authorities to get released on bond. What’s far worse than having confirmation of this through the LFUCG PD is realizing such temporary freedom was ARRANGED and PAID for—most certainly not earned. Given the circumstances for which I still find myself wasting precious time dealing with fear tactics, I say this with only as much compassion as I can muster: Please, if ever again you think to act so cruelly toward another, think of YOUR FAMILY FIRST and what youre mindlessly teaching through action and word. Children are like sponges. ***Think like a caring dad with his impressionable young children in mind instead of a bonafide thug thinking only of himself.*** That behavior is what first landed you in jail last winter to the relief of many, including me. The fact Ive lived these last 13 months in fear says more about you than it does me. However, its this fear incited by your violence that is only stoked further knowing you have society’s “blame the victim” mentality on your side. I know this from speaking up in the past, speaking up as someone rightfully afraid of you. In your absence, I unwittingly took on your burden of blame without realizing it had long been imposed upon me just as it is for anyone who dares to care and speaks up. I spoke up then, but now Im speaking out. I have come to realize the blame the victim approach is a relegated catch-all employed when the need for producing paperwork trumps being… NEEDED. However, because I try to look at things fairly and pragmatically, I also realize its cultural, not personal, but that doesnt mean having such fears dismissed will not feel any less demeaning. The unfortunate reality is, I’m hardly alone. Inflicting physical harm on another, for which you were rightfully charged and arrested, is reason for ALL to be concerned because your actions toward one person affected others too. We must all contend daily by the rampant hand-them-off attitude that continues to undermine our society, whether directly or indirectly. Just as Hillary Clinton has often said, we’re all one Village. (Your police record, however, gives reason to celebrate your newfound status as, of course, the Village Idiot. Congrats.) Id give you credit for my sarcasm, but I grew jaded over twenty-something years ago. Ill simply close in saying you targeted the wrong person when you apparently figured I’d just wither under your increasing presence. You continued your pursuit, then clearly made a telling misstep for which Im grateful, allowing me to catch onto you (as others did, including the police). Time to let loose all that vitriol you harbor toward those wholl never be a match for you physically—yes, all of that which makes you nothing more than a grown-up version of a lunchroom bully. Its one thing to be tactful, but relying on fear tactics to prey on innocent people such as myself is not tactful by any means. No, its just plain wrong. Shameful. Go to confession... Go to Jail... Go to Helsinki, Finland for all I care (yes, I do care). Seeing where things now stand, I am hopeful your days of fear tactics will soon be Finis. Finished. Done. I am nice, yes, but even I have my limits. Knowing you finagled your way into temporary freedom via bond is utter nonsense. In lieu of contributing to any future bond fund of yours, I choose to pay close attention instead.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:35:34 +0000

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