This Year I Celebrate 15 years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in my Life - TopicsExpress


This Year I Celebrate 15 years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in my Life with the Last 5 years Dedicated to the Gi and the Pretty Colored Belts that Accessorize the Outfits. :) So I would like to say a few words on the Subject ..... I Do Not Work Full Time then Give the Remaining parts of my day to Martial Arts - I am a Full Time Martial Arts Coach - All of my day is Dedicated to the Improvement of Students lives thru Martial Arts . This may mean my Family will never Live in a Mansion or Holiday overseas but the rewards a ten times what anything Material could ever supply. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is Only One of the Combat Arts I Teach but one that deserves respect - Respect not from its Useful Application but more in its Benefits to Mental and Physical Health . Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is so much more than the small Sport Window that most People Only see or hear about...So much more than the Ground game of MMA and a Million times more than the Companies and Industries popping up Everywhere to Cash in on its Success. It is About the Journey and the Changes Inside you Physically and Mentally that gives this sport its Life and Meaning. I see students Everyday Improve there Minds Fortitude as well as there Bodys, A rare trait in any sport and one that needs to be Shared in the modern world of Mental Health Decline as a Society.... To simply put IMPROVES CONFIDENCE is such an understatement - I have seen it Improve Anxiety , Depression , Public Shyness and so much more in my own students I can only imagine the benefits to mental health worldwide . Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Slow Journey tests the Ego more than Any other Martial Arts I teach - And thru that Grind is the Biggest Lesson of all - Patience ..... In this world of Instant Gratification not much is left to be Earned thru hard work and Dedication Anymore - In BJJ u cannot Pretend - U cannot Hide because the truth is only a roll away . I Have trained Australian Champions and Mum and Dad Casuals the same for over 15 years now , and I always will because in Martial Arts there Journeys are Equal . Everyones Journey is Sacred - Everyones Journey has there own Struggles and Challenges and Every Journey Matters me Especially . I am the Luckiest Man alive to have a Family in love with BJJ as well and it is now part of who we are and who will become in the Future . My wife Holly now Coaches as well and pride is far to small a word to describe how I feel about her own journey and Accomplishments in a male dominated sport . My life has been Transformed for the Better thru my own students Journeys and there Triumphs and defeats all the same - Past and Present thankyou to you all you have given me more than any Coach could dream of .......I look forward to the next 15 years with an open Heart and Mind . Thankyou goes to my Own Coach Anthony Perosh who helped me see the Truth of the Art but also reignite my own drive to Grow and Improve in this sport as much as my students - Thankyou Coach ... Roll On My BJJ Sisters and Brothers of every BJJ family - Life is only as bad as your last Technique. Thankyou All for your Support , Technique and Shared love of something Amazing -you all matter and are all responsible for the future. BRING IT ON NEXT 15 YEARS -FOR ME.. THIS IS ONLY THE BEGGINING :)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:45:29 +0000

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