This Yule let us take the time to not only to appreciate and - TopicsExpress


This Yule let us take the time to not only to appreciate and celebrate the spirit of the holiday but to also acknowledge all those who are unable to be with their families because they are deployed all over the world, willingly putting themselves in harms so that we can celebrate the holiday without having to be concerned about being attacked by outside aggressors. This holiday let us take the time to also acknowledge all those who were victims of the violence that has plagued our streets for the last few months, those officers who were also made victims due to the lack of rationale on behalf of those who were so bent on making an example that they didnt take the time to consider who it was they were taking their aggressions out on. Let us embrace our loved ones and be grateful for the fact that we have people to be with, theres so many out there that have no one. Let us be grateful for the things that we have understanding that theres so many others that have nothing. With the rebirth of the Sun signaling the onset of winter and spring the season of rebirth soon to come we are facing some very dark times, however, like the Phoenix we will rise from the ashes. The clouds may kick up, they may block out the Sun, they may make it rain sometimes harder than others but for all of their noise and drama The Sun still exists and will come out after the storm passes. This Yule take the time to brighten somebody elses day, dont assume that just because somebody might be in a foul mood or otherwise not overly jubilant that they are just that way because theyre cantankerous. The fact is the holidays can be a very depressing time for some and we never know what someones personal situation is. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly gesture and some kind words to uplift someone elses heart! This is the spirit of the season and it knows no one particular religion, rather it is universal and should be practiced as such. For all my Family both blood and spiritual; for all my friends; I wish you tidings of joy, abundance of prosperity, your cup to overflow with love, peace of mind in all that you do, strength of spirit to push on through no matter how difficult times may get and above all I hope that you realize just how important you are to me. More precious than any gem, more valuable than gold, rarer than an honest politician, it is you who makes life worth living! This Yule take the time to look around and truly appreciate everything and everyone you have because you never know what tomorrow brings and when you wont be able to let them know just what they mean to you! Darkest Blessings and Happy Yule! ZI ANA KANPA! ZI KIA KANPA! MAY THE DEAD RISE AND SMELL THE INCENSE! AVE MARDUK! AVE TIAMAT! AVE SATANAS! HAIL SATAN!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 16:22:25 +0000

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