This a little devotion I felt led to write last year for a ladies - TopicsExpress


This a little devotion I felt led to write last year for a ladies event. Our church board is currently working on a book study about improving our prayer life and being obedient. For some reason Im feeling a reason to share this tonight. Maybe its meant for someone out there to read. A writer I am not so bear with with me. It may seem a little long and rambling to some. Seeing Through God’s Eyes Luke 11:33-36 The Lamp of the Body No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore if your whole body is full of light and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you. If we could see as God sees, we would realize that no trial comes without a blessing attached. Often we see trials as road blocks or simply a detour. In my opinion our trials or road blocks as we’ll call them are just God’s way of showing us we’re always under construction and that we need to lean on him instead of attempting to handle things on our own. Psalms 119:18 states Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. A recent birthday celebration and visit to the eye doctor with my daughter proved to be “eye opening” to me in ways I never expected. For those of you who know me, you know that my daughter Avery was born 9 weeks premature. She weighed in at a whopping 2 lbs 10 oz’s. The Neonatal ICU ( NICU) is a very scary place even more so with my husband and I being first time parents. Avery spent her first month of life hooked up to wires and tubes. The sounds of machines and monitors beeping soon became familiar, anxious parents looking around to see if their baby was the one who had forgotten to breathe for a few seconds. Before she was even born, there were dozens of people some of whom I didn’t even know praying for Avery and myself. Day by day Avery got stronger, the oxygen came off, tube feeds turned into bottle feedings and she started to gain weight. She was tested for a brain bleed which is very common for preemies her size, miraculously the test for that came back normal. She was diagnosed with an eye condition called Retinopathy of Prematurity or ROP for short. We later found out that this disorder when severe can cause total blindness. I remember praying throughout Avery’s time in the NICU for healing and our baby girl to come home with us soon. My prayer soon changed though when we discovered that the baby boy named Noah who weighed less than 1 lb at birth had passed away. His tiny body was not strong enough to survive this world so he was called home. I never met Noah’s parents but remember praying for them to find peace in the middle of this terrible storm they were now facing. I realized that although eye difficulties could pose a few bumps in the road, Avery was a healthy baby now breathing on her own. The reality was my baby was coming home with her parents in the upcoming weeks, Noah was not. Avery just turned 8 last week so it was time for another eye appointment. Yes she still wears glasses probably always will. The doctor completed a few new tests taking images of the back of Avery’s eyes. She seemed shocked when going through the films. According to her Avery’s eyes now appeared much healthier than they should considering her eye history and size at birth. The doctor and I quickly determined God’s hand had been working with Avery since birth and the reason our little girl had done so well. There was no other explanation. We soon moved on to another room with another staff person to pick out new glasses. Of course my daughter took FOREVER to pick out her new frames. She must have tried on 50 pair of what looked to be the same purple glasses. Finally she made her selection and we were headed out the door. I was saying a little prayer thanking God and praising him for allowing my little girl to be who she is today glasses and all. About that time the office door flew open and there stood Dr. Haller holding the demo frames that Avery had just picked. Printed on the inside of her glasses were the words “God Made You Special.” I couldn’t help but smile and realize that this was no coincidence, simply another way for me to see my miracle girl through God’s eyes. We often get discouraged when we hit a trial or a road block in our lives. This world is full of trials. So instead of seeing things through our own view, my challenge to you is this, remove those blinders, take your hands from covering your eyes and give God the chance to shine through you so you can see things in his light for once. You may be surprised how things look from His point of view.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:21:43 +0000

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